سفينة "الأسلحة" الايرانية التي اعترضتها اسرائيل منذ أيام تصل الى ميناء ايلات

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وصلت عصر السبت الى ميناء ايلات الاسرائيلي السفينة التي تم اعتراضها الاربعاء في البحر الاحمر والتي تنقل بحسب ما اعلنت اسرائيل "اسلحة ارسلتها ايران الى قطاع غزة".

ورافقت بارجتان اسرائيليتان حتى ايلات السفينة "كلوس سي" التي ترفع علما بنما وتقول اسرائيل انها عثرت فيها على عشرات الصواريخ من طراز "ام 302" قبالة بور سودان.

وقالت متحدثة باسم الجيش "سنقوم بفتح كل المستوعبات للتأكد مما اذا كانت تحوي اسلحة اخرى"، لافتة الى ان مؤتمرا صحافيا سيعقد مساء الاثنين بعد انجاز هذه العملية.

وذكرت الاذاعة الاسرائيلية العامة ان سفراء وملحقين عسكريين وكذلك "شخصيات اسرائيلية مهمة" سيدعون لمعاينة المعدات العسكرية المصادرة "للاثبات للعالم ان ايران تساعد المنظمات الارهابية الناشطة في قطاع غزة عبر (تزويدها) السلاح".

ونفت ايران بشدة الاتهامات الاسرائيلية، وتحدث وزير خارجيتها محمد جواد ظريف ساخرا عن "الصدفة غير المعقولة" بين اعلان العثور على الاسلحة والزيارة التي كان يقوم بها رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو للولايات المتحدة.

ويتمسك نتانياهو بمطالبة المجتمع الدولي بابقاء عقوباته الاقتصادية على ايران على خلفية برنامجها النووي، وخصوصا بعد رفع جزئي لهذه العقوبات بموجب اتفاق مرحلي وقع في 24 تشرين الثاني الفائت بين طهران ومجموعة الدول الست الكبرى.

التعليقات 9
Thumb .mowaten. 18:22 ,2014 آذار 08

if there really was weapons on this ship, they wouldn't mind letting neutral observers on board the boat, before they have a chance to tamper with its cargo. or film the boat from outside to inside and to the rockets. it does seem fishy that they didn't try to show any proof.

but in any case, in my opinion there is nothing wrong with helping palestinians defend themselves. israelis have repeatedly carried out massive carpet bombings on civilians, killing tens of thousands, plus the daily "targeted killings" that take out entire neighborhoods each time, and they are slowly strangulating gaza with an illegal siege. anything that gives palestinians a counter deterrence is a good way to save lives and fight injustice.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 18:52 ,2014 آذار 08

There are claims that these weapons were on their way to the Huthis in Yemen and not the Palestinians in Gaza. It will be interesting to see how this story develops.

Missing phillipo 20:28 ,2014 آذار 08

If they were on their way to Yemen, what was the ship doing many hundreds of kilometers north of there in the Red Sea.

Missing phillipo 20:33 ,2014 آذار 08

Photos of the missiles appeared in the world press within hours of the Israelis capturing the ships.
When exactly are the daily "targeted killings" that take out entire neighbourhoods each time?
When exactly were the massive carpet bombings, killing tens of thousands?
If they, the Israelis, are slowly strangling (not strangulating) Gaza then why is it that more lorries with goods on them cross from the Israeli terminal at Kerem Shalom, than from the Egyptian terminal at Rafiah?

Thumb kanaanljdid 20:35 ,2014 آذار 08

"Killing tens of thousands"? Are you talking about Assad or Iran? There was never such a number of victims even if we includes everybody from each side of the Israeli-Arab conflict for 100 years. For instance, since 1987: http://hubpages.com/hub/Israel-Palestine-Conflict-Death-Toll

Missing greatpierro 21:07 ,2014 آذار 08

You are condemning Israeli bombing of Palestinians but you support Assad barrel bombing of Syrian cities and villages. Your beloved Assad and his father are responsible of a 100 times more Palestinian, Syrian and Lebanese death than the Israelis. Double standards.

Thumb scorpyonn 22:12 ,2014 آذار 08

Who is worse at this point in time? Assad or Israel?

Missing greatpierro 21:12 ,2014 آذار 08

The best way for the Palestinians is to accept peace and stop requesting the disappearance of Israel or the right of return. The Palestinians are living decades after decades in misery rather than accept their tragedy and forge peace so that their people can live in dignity. Many nations have accepted their defeat and losses of their territory such as the Armenians, the Polish, Finish and the French and went on living in peace with their past enemy.

Thumb scorpyonn 22:11 ,2014 آذار 08

Iran is asking for it... I hope it gets it soon before it can cause any more problems for the world.