سليمان يتمسك بـ "إعلان بعبدا" في البيان الوزاري و8 آذار ترفض رفضاً قاطعاً

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تنعقد عصر الثلاثاء جلسة خامسة للجنة البيان الوزاري، وذلك في ظل تمسك رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان و14 آذار بضرورة ادراج إعلان بعبدا في البيان الوزاري، الامر الذي رفضه وزراء 8 آذار رفضاً قاطعاً".

وفي هذا السياق، أشارت صحيفة "الجمهورية"، الثلاثاء، الى أن "سليمان طلب إدراج "إعلان بعبدا" في البيان الوزاري وأيّد وزراء 14 آذار هذا الأمر".

وأضافت أن "وزراء حركة "أمل" و"حزب الله" رفضوا رفضاً قاطعاً"، معتبرين "أنّنا انتهينا من هذا الموضوع وتوصّلنا إلى صوغ بيان تسوية، ليس لأنّنا ضدّ "إعلان بعبدا"، لكنّ إعادة طرحه ستعيد النقاش مجدّداً إلى المربّع الأوّل وإلى إعادة طرح ثلاثية: "جيش وشعب ومقاومة:، ونحن اتّفقنا أن يكون البيان بيان تسوية، بمعنى أنّنا جنّبناه كلّ النقاط الخلافية، والجميع قدّم فيه تنازلات".

وعند هذه النقطة تأجّل النقاش الى جلسة اليوم.

كذلك، أضافت "النهار" أن " سليمان كان أبدى في لقائه ورئيس الوزراء تمّام سلام قبل ظهر امس رغبته ايضا في ادراج موضوع "اعلان بعبدا" في البيان الوزاري نظرا الى الاهمية الحيوية التي بات يكتسبها هذا الاعلان".

الى ذلك، لفت عضو لجنة البيان الوزاري وزير الخارجية جبران باسيل لـ"الجمهورية"، إلى أنّ "ما يحصل هو انّ هناك محاولات لتضمين البيان الوزاري "إعلان بعبدا"، وهذا الأمر لن ينجح، فنحن نأخذ وقتاً إضافياً للنتيجة نفسها".

بدوره، أكد وزير الاتصالات بطرس حرب في حديث لصحيفة "النهار"، الثلاثاء،" بأن رئيس الحكومة تمام سلام طرح افكارا جديدة في شأن "اعلان بعبدا" والمقاومة انطلاقا من النقاط التي تم التوافق عليها سابقاً"، مشيرا الى "ان بعض الوزراء طلبوا مهلة للعودة الى أحزابهم وقياداتهم لابداء الرأي في الافكار الجديدة".

وقال إن "الاجواء ايجابية وهناك جدية من جميع الاطراف للتوصل الى صيغة مشتركة يوافق عليها الجميع وتؤمن مصلحة لبنان وتفوز بثقة مجلس النواب".

واللجنة الوزارية تشكلت الثلاثاء الفائت في أول جلسة للحكومة، و اجتمعت الأربعاء في أولى جلساتها في السراي برئاسة سلام الذي أعلن أن البيان الوزاري سيكون "مختلطا ومقتضبا يركز على الاولويات الى حين انتخاب رئيس جديد للجمهورية".

التعليقات 12
Thumb general_puppet 08:31 ,2014 شباط 25

Foreign Minister and committee member Jebran Bassil told al-Joumhouria after Monday's meeting: “Attempts to include the Baabda Declaration in the statement will fail.”… whats the big deal gigi, the Iranian militia agreed to the Baabda Declaration and afterwards officially declared war to prop up Assad. Putting it the Policy Statement will mean nothing to them.

Thumb general_puppet 08:42 ,2014 شباط 25

---karim_m2--, when has the President worshiped Saudi Arabia? Have the Saudi's provided him with an Arabian militia & thousands of rockets? Have you ever heard the President threaten to go to war if the Saudi's are attacked?

I understand that you would prefer one of Assad lackeys for the post but there is no need to constantly lie.

Thumb geha 08:45 ,2014 شباط 25

it is obvious the Iranians want to control our country ( see the comment of karim and basil ).
they insist on turning our country into a war zone!
it is people like karim (an Iranian) who thinks that Lebanon is a part of iran, thus he requests a "pro-Lebanese president"!
is this for real? are the Iranians so much in control of our country that they annexed it without us knowing about it?


Thumb geha 09:37 ,2014 شباط 25

anyway, if they di not agree on this, this cabinet will be considered resigned.
well with internal security and justice (even in a resigned cabinet) with m14 there is a better sense of law.

Missing helicopter 08:48 ,2014 شباط 25

Funny, other M8ers proclaimed that he rose to Army Commanders because he was Assad,s guy. Make up your mind.
In my mind he is 100% pure Lebanese. Weak? maybe. Wise? yes.

Thumb -phoenix1 12:02 ,2014 شباط 25

Roar brother, as @speakfreely said, calm down. You are there down under, living in complete safety, you at least can plan for the next ten years to come, here in Lebanon we hardly can for the next ten hours. President Suleiman is a consensual president that was elected under a dire situation, his work if you still don't know is nothing short of miraculous. He may not please everyone, that for sure, but at least he has kept Lebanon from going down under. Brother, the FPM has now for sometime been sponging its wrath on our president and its partisans simply echo the mood all too readily, but then, aren't we used to this? All I am saying brother, keep calm, in Lebanon most people support the president, especially since we've nowhere else to go.

Thumb eli-g 13:23 ,2014 شباط 25

@Mr. the-r I do. I support the president and every moderate, this in response to your question who do you know this?

Thumb eli-g 13:26 ,2014 شباط 25

in a matter of fact I wish he would start his own political party. I think many Lebanese are thirsty for a moderate all inclusive political party. I think he would be a fine leader for such a political movement.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:52 ,2014 شباط 25

Last time General Aoun sat on that chair in Baabda, not only did he burn the chair itself, but he also burnt Baabda itself, Bkirke, abused the Patriarchate, refused to leave when called upon and ended up burning all of Lebanon, starting from what was the only resistance to Syrian hegemony and occupation, the Christian Resistance. Did president Suleiman do that bro? He has been insistent all along that come May, he will leave, even if people like me encouraged him to stay on for at least 3 years. But as I said earlier, when the FPM bedevils someone, then the same night, almost every FPMer follows suit and unquestioningly so. Wasn't Bachir Gemayel the old man's supreme role model? What happened when old Aoun cast doubt on that? Always two sides to a coin, never one as you want us to believe.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:45 ,2014 شباط 25

Roar, where did I insult, where? Bro, you are in a bad mood, and this has been so for quite a while. I've stood for you all the time, but you are bitter for reasons well beyond my understanding. But it's perfectly OK by me, after all, we are not here to fight each other, far from that, each one of us has his or her opinion, and it is not by your measure of acrimony that we could go anywhere ahead with you. I will repeat this for you, please calm down brother, no one is perfect, no one is always right, we are only human and we do err from time to time, but in your case you seem to insist that you are right all the time, that on its own impairs your ability to break the mould. Anyway, till you feel more composed brother.

Thumb cedre 14:19 ,2014 شباط 25

Hope M14 will propose him as candidate. Or Samy.

Thumb cedre 15:58 ,2014 شباط 25

+1 leb4ever, let's wait for the pompom girls...