توقيف 4 اشخاص في الكسليك بحوزتهم 53 كلغ من الكوكايين بقيمة 8 ملايين دولار

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تمكنت وحدة من مكتب مكافحة المخدرات، من ضبط 53 كلغ من "الكوكايين"، في منطقة الكسليك، مخبأة في اماكن سرية داخل سيارتين من نوع "رانج روفر" و"مرسيدس"، وبداخلها اربعة اشخاص هم: الفلسطينيان (ا.وولده ر.ش) وشخصان من الجنسية الهولندية والايرلندية.

وذكرت معلومات نقلتها "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام"، ان القيمة التقديرية لهذه الكمية من الكوكايين تقدر بما يزيد على ثمانية ملايين دولار اميركي.

وقد اقتيد الاربعة الى مبنى فصيلة حبيش للتوسع في التحقيق معهم لمعرفة كيفية حصولهم على هذه الكمية الضخمة من الكوكايين، وكيفية ادخالها الى لبنان، ليبنى على الشيء المقتضى القانوني .

التعليقات 9
Default-user-icon euro (ضيف) 11:43 ,2011 آب 02

too Lebanon ? or from Lebanon ?

Thumb canaanite 13:52 ,2011 آب 02

Those drug running foreigners are better known as Hezbollah - foreign Iranians illegal aliens in our country.

Default-user-icon MrBrain (ضيف) 15:51 ,2011 آب 02

Mr Canaanite are you okay?

Default-user-icon Carl Sakr (ضيف) 17:40 ,2011 آب 02

i am an anti-hezbollah person but i personnally think that had it been hezbollah no one would have ventured to trying to capture the dope, why tackle the small pieces the Bekaa's Valley is filled with as much as anyone can find Basterma at Bedo's

Missing petersdemocracy 17:44 ,2011 آب 02

hahaha to lebanon or from lebanon ? i shall say its from lebanon to europe, get money buy weapons, long live palestine and the camps.

pffffffffffffft ye right

Thumb bipartisan 17:57 ,2011 آب 02

can you please guys stop insulting yourselves like 15 years adolescents and have some critical thinking about the matter. Please try once to think by yourselves rather than adopting the 8-14 march idiotic debate. Get over it. For once it is not Hezbollah, fine lets hope things last that way in regard of drugs. Via weapon, we have existential contradiction. a considerable part of the christian faction sees Hezbollah as their end if the party of God prevails the rest sees it a vengeance against the lebanese forces for their bad military conduct in 1990 and before. Sunnis sees it as the murderer of their once in a life time leader, and Druze are too scared to judge for they are on the line of fire and they have this skill of surviving all eras. I think that it is time to search for what unite us instead of what divide us unity can not be done between Hezbollah and Hezbollah, it must be done between Hezbollah and the rest of the lebanese

Missing petersdemocracy 17:58 ,2011 آب 02

Bipartisan it shall start with hizballa. im not saying i disagree i actually strongly agree with you,

but it should meet all other lebanese requests in order to acheive peace. That is to turn all weapons into the army, and have only ONE army in lebanon with the support of ALL factions and parties. THEN WE CAN TALK PEACE

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 00:52 ,2011 آب 03

If this was Hizb Allah they wouldn't have been caught, long live the resistance of drug dealers and terrorists.

Thumb shab 03:10 ,2011 آب 03

devine powder to devine fighters