سليمان شارك بإقرار الدستور التونسي الجديد: الدساتير يجب ان تقلل من التعصب

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شارك رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان، الجمعة، في الاحتفال بإقرار الدستور التونسي الجديد، الذي شاركت فيه عدد من الدول، حيث شدد على "وجوب ان تقلل الدساتير الجديدة في المنطقة من التعصب".

وفي كلمة ألقاها سليمان امام المشاركين في الاحتفال، تمنى لـ"تونس الاستقرار والازدهار في كنف الدستور الجديد"، لافتاً الى أن الدستور الجديد هو دليل على أن تونس ت"مكنت من انجاز العملية الانتقالية، وهذا المسار تميز باعتماد معايير ديموقراطية".

وأضاف ان "الدستور جاء ليرسل اشارات الطمأنة من خلال رعاية الدولة للحريات والحقوق، كما اصرار الدستور على ان القانون يقرر الضوابط المتعلقة بالقانون على ان هذه الضوابط يجب الا تتم بما لا ينال من جوهر الحريات والحقوق".

ولفت الى ان ما نص عليه الدستور الجديد من انشاء محكمة دستورية عليا "يشكل ضمانة لانه بذلك يحصن الدستور الجديد فلا تأخذ القوانين بيد ما اعطاه الدستور بيد".

وأردف أن "وحدة الدولة كما وحدة الاحكام الدستورية تحتاج الى آليات ونظم ولكنها تحتاج اولا الى مواطنين وها هي تونس الدولة تدخل الى الديموقراطية وهي في حاجة الى قادة ومسؤولين على قدر آمال الناس يترجمون ما جاء في الدستور".

وشدد سليمان على "وجوب ان تقلل الدساتير الجديدة في المنطقة من التعصب وتؤمن ديموقراطيات تأخذ في الاعتبار التنوع والتعددية".

وأشار الى أن "مثل هذه الديموقراطيات لا يمكن ان تحقق كامل مقاصدها من دون الارتضاء بنتائجها خصوصا على صعيد تداول السلطة بعيدا من العرقلة والتعطيل".

التعليقات 12
Missing imagine_1979 14:11 ,2014 شباط 07

Verry good job for tunisia, 3a 2belna.. Civil constitution, women rights... We are proud of ourself but u lag far behind...
Yalla chupachups for all...(including me of course...)

Missing imagine_1979 16:10 ,2014 شباط 07

Yes the deal there is civil state, with civil laws for all, equality between man and women, secularism....
While in our coutry we still look for who pray friday and who pray sunday, for results of combat donne one more than thousand years ago, where we do everything to miss with any system bc of the religious representation...
Well done tunis, maybe some day we'll learn to become citizens and not only maronites, orthodox, suni, shiite, alawites..

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 17:30 ,2014 شباط 07

Kudos for Tunisia. Kudos for our president.

Missing coolmec 17:09 ,2014 شباط 07

@the fact
wow if these articles about the Saudi donation prove to be true, the shit should hit the fan and the Lebanese people should know who their friends are

Missing imagine_1979 17:42 ,2014 شباط 07

Coolmec, long time..
We will probably not get balstic missils and it is possible that many persons got good paychecks as usual... (Play a game: wich of our politician is poor?..)
Anyway giving the army (or any official institution) money (clothes vehicules, even chupachups..) is better than giving to a political party or sect..(in my umble opinion)
Just one more comment, i donno the first site but please take a look at voltaire's the seconfd one (this one i know) it is an anti-imperialist (kind of 1960 soviet propaganda) site with a lot of good conspiration theories, give it a look it's interetsing..
Have a good day coolmec..

Missing imagine_1979 20:28 ,2014 شباط 07

I understand, i had the same feeling many times, like when ahmadinajad came for visit.. We still hv a lot to do before getting over that, maybe if we think of building a country where we can all live with same rights and duties would help...
While waiting for this to happen i would hv prefered that iran sent money to official lebanese institution rather than to hezbos...
But that's only my point of view...

Missing helicopter 18:30 ,2014 شباط 07

theopinion, are you a HA supporter?

Missing peace 21:33 ,2014 شباط 07

waw! what credible sources is "the fact" giving... voltaire.net known as a propagandist site founded by the king of porno in France, and alain soral website known also as a propagandist .... LOL

sure M8ers refer easily to propaganda to try and look smart.. too bad they are not!


"The French leader promised to “equip the Lebanese Army with the weapons it requests under the Saudi donation as soon as possible,” according to Lebanon's National News Agency."

seems the news just contradicted your propagandist website....

my advice: go and educate yourself and come back with objective sources,

you d better call yourself : "the joke" !!!!

Thumb ice-man 22:41 ,2014 شباط 07

"thefact" is an undercover HA operative who used to post under the alias "endless". Don't be fooled by his demeanor... he is a cunning ruthless propagandist)

Thumb cedre 22:25 ,2014 شباط 07

thefact, please stop polluting with Thierry Meyssan's BS, he is a PR for Iran and Bashar...

Missing helicopter 23:02 ,2014 شباط 07

you stated in your post above that the deal was fishy from day one..... which is long before you read this questionable article (or any article) from a questionable media source. This is why I am accusing you of having your mind already made up on day one and you just want to find articles to support your opinion. thefact does not apply to you here.

Missing helicopter 23:09 ,2014 شباط 07

Are you counting Iranian basij trainers of HA as Lebanese citizens? I love secular minded folks like you chris....au