التيار "متمسك بالطاقة والاتصالات" وباسيل يسأل عن "جدوى المداورة"

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تساءل وزير الطاقة والمياه في حكومة تصريف الاعمال جبران باسيل أمام رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان والرئيس المكلف تمام سلام، عن جدوى المداورة في الحقائب في الحكومة الجديدة التي لن يتخطى عمرها الشهرين، وفق ما نقلته المصادر الصحافية.

وأفادت صحيفة "السفير"، الثلاثاء، أن باسيل شدد أمام الرئيسين، اللذين زارهما الاثنين، على التمسك (تمسك تكتل التغيير والاصلاح) بوزارتي الطاقة والاتصالات، لافتاً الى أن هناك ملفات جاهزة في وزارة الطاقة والمياه تفترض متابعتها على وجه السرعة ومن دون أي تأخير إضافي.

ونقلت الصحيفة عن مصدر بارز في التكتل قوله "اذا كنا أمام حكومة عمرها أربعة أشهر حداً أقصى، واذا احتسبنا فترة البيان الوزاري والثقة، لا يبقى من عمرها سوى حوالي الشهرين، عندها يصبح السؤال عن جدوى المداورة الآن".

ولفتت الى أن سليمان أعرب عن انفتاحه على كل الأفكار المطروحة، إلا انه أكد لباسيل ان البحث في الأسماء والحقائب من حق الرئيس المكلف.

أما عن لقاء باسيل-سلام، فقد أشارت مصادر متابعة أنه "لم يخرج بأية إيجابية، بل أرخى أجواء رمادية داكنة على خط التأليف".

وأوضحت أن هذا الامر كان نتيجة إصرار باسيل على وزارتي الطاقة والاتصالات، من دون تقديم اقتراحات بديلة، وسط تمسك سلام بما أسماها "المداورة العادلة والشاملة والمتوازنة" واعتمادها كأحد الأسس الرئيسية التي يفترض ان تقوم عليها الحكومة الجديدة، وفق المصادر.

يُذكر أن سليمان قد أعلن في لقاء جانبي مع الصحافيين على هامش الاستقبال السنوي للسلك الديبلوماسي في قصر بعبدا، الاثنين، أن الحكومة ستكون في نهاية الاسبوع بعدما ذللت كل العقبات "وأصبحنا في مرحلة الروتشة الاخيرة".

وأشار الى ان كل الجهات السياسية اقتنعت أخيرا بمبدأ المداورة، مشدداً على انه لن يسمح بالوصول الى 25 آذار من دون حكومة واذا تعذر التأليف فكل الاحتمالات واردة ومنها الحكومة الحيادية.

التعليقات 24
Thumb popeye 07:52 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

That's all what Aoun is concerned about. Contracts have to be signed for oil and gas and commissions have to be paid. Otherwise why would Aoun object to the rotation principle. Does he think there are no competent non FPM minsters?

Thumb geha 07:55 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

basil is soooooo obvious :)

his commissions are the most important thing :)

Missing imagine_1979 08:46 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

No u get it wrong guys, how would them be able to continu the wonderfull job they hv been doing in thoses ministeries till now? We have so great internet/cellular network and one of the chespest in the world also, as for the electrecity, fatmeh gul and co... So bassil was just stating this for the continuity of the great job, not for personal gains at all...
U really hv a twisted mind guys...
Chupachups bassilo?...

Thumb ice-man 08:53 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

rotation causes dizziness, something Aoun cannot afford more of at this stage in his brilliant career.

Thumb EagleDawn 08:58 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

lol +

Thumb ex-fpm 10:18 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

Thieves and vultures aka FPM.

Default-user-icon Hanoun (ضيف) 11:03 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

so what happened in 20 years in the ministry of power ? and what happened the late 5 years?
at least there is a road map for power which did not exist before

Thumb ice-man 11:04 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

Glad you asked @actionman! Aoun was given a tour of the Vatican, had his pictures taken with the guards, and was asked to leave promptly.

Thumb -phoenix1 13:57 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

I believe that the "scratch my back and I'll scratch your back" policy is not working here anymore, there's simply too much money here to be made. We Lebanese have an apt saying that goes, "7ekayto bil masareh shi, al'lo la2, ma 7ekayto, fa izan ma bta3rfo". Money talks, the rest walks.

Thumb proudm14. 14:15 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

M8 are dreaming, DREAMING if they think they will see one cent from the oil money. M14 will be in charge of this ministry, my friends, and nothing will change about that.

Thumb -phoenix1 14:44 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

@P14, have you noticed how much foot-dragging is involved in this cabinet formation? First it was about 9-9-8, 8-8-9, then 8-8-8 and God knows what again. Now finally we've got what looks set to be another government of national unity, but now this? cabinet rotation? For all I know, a new government will not see the light if this is how our politicians wish to go about it, and always, there's Mr. Aoun creating obstacles here and there, almost always. Sometimes he is right, but in truth pretty much of the time, he is wrong, just like now. Is he the only one that can handle Oil and Power? Then what is the purpose of a cabinet if doubt already besets it? The circus show is not yet over it seems.

Thumb proudm14. 16:24 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

the roar, with no due respect, you don't know what the F you are talking about, your posts are written from a position of ignorance as you have no idea what lebanon is really like

Thumb proudm14. 16:39 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

I think that the biggest political battle right now, behind the scenes, revolves around the oil file, and that this will soon take center stage and we will see them fighting about it in the open before long. I also believe that Aoun actually believed that he would be able to keep the Energy ministry and be in charge of the oil contracts and that he thought HA would back him up in this regard, none of which has materialized of course.

TBH I think that the best way to handle the oil file is to give it to a neutral technocrat, under a new government-owned company (GazLeb?) and distribute the profits equally to all Lebanese citizens living within Lebanon ala GCC welfare system.

Thumb proudm14. 16:54 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

Like I said, you don't know anything about Lebanon.

The idea of parliamentary elections actually being held in November is a far off dream, something that will likely not materialize especially considering the danger of organizing these events in Shia areas which are being targeted by terrorist attacks.

The Tammam Salam cabinet will likely last for quite a while, under the mission of providing stability from the Syrian crisis and facilitating the election of a president. Thus it is important who gets which portfolios...which is why you see all the parties have already started to argue about it.

KSA would not donate 3 billion and Saad would not be re-entering the scene if concessions were not made about the Tammam cabinet from the other side.

Thumb proudm14. 17:08 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

I KNOW that elections will not be held on time. Sure as the sun rising tomorrow morning.

Aoun has no say in what concessions M8 makes or not. Just like Berri, Arslan, Franjieh, and all the other jokers who exist to provide political cover for Iran's paramilitary force. The decision is made in Tehran.

Thumb proudm14. 16:41 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

As for the foot dragging in cabinet formation, I believe our side was responsible for this, trying to bleed HA dry for its participation in Syria. The recent acceptance of a national cabinet is either because Saad has received concessions in private or has been pressured by allies to initiate a detente with HA.

Thumb proudm14. 16:59 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

I know you are under the illusion that HA, Iran and Assad are stronger than they have ever been at this point in time, and I know that even a 3 year civil war in which Assad has lost control of half of Syria is not enough to convince you, but I assure you that all the concessions are coming from your side ATM, even if you have brainwashed not to believe it is so. M14 are already pretty much back into power, this will be solidified once the cabinet is formed.

Thumb proudm14. 17:02 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

that's a cute fairy tale

Thumb proudm14. 17:04 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

Another thing you seem not to be aware of, considering your geographical impairment, is the decline of popularity of your dear general over the past few years.

Thumb proudm14. 17:13 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

Equal and fair representation can mean different things for different people. Take for example the fact that two parties have a monopoly on elections in the south. Another example is Beirut (50% of pop.) having less seats than Bekaa in the parliament. Is that fair? Not really. Most things in life aren't fair. The least of my worries is Bassil keeping the energy file so he can continue to plunder and call it "Christian rights". Christian rights = getting our prisoners back from Bashar. Christian rights = finding the culprits who blew up Achrafieh last year.

Thumb proudm14. 17:29 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

Aoun already said there are no prisoners in Syria...this is who you want us to "unite" with...

Thumb -phoenix1 17:34 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

Roar brother, the seventh thumb up is from me. I've also noticed that I got quite a few downs, but then, that's the price of being a centrist. But of course bro, that's the beauty of it all, diversity of views, what I can tell you is this: that there are many in top places who read our posts, judging from the diversity of our various posts, they do get a sense of understanding of how we the people feel. Just imagine if La sama7allah we all spoke in the same wavelength. Stay blessed brother.

Thumb -phoenix1 17:46 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

Sorry bro Roar, this is not what I alluded to, of course I know you don't TD me, please believe me I am being 100% honest with you, my aim was to show you how much in good faith I accepted your criticism of my post, which I find perfectly normal which is why I TU'd your post criticizing mine.

Thumb -phoenix1 17:59 ,2014 كانون الثاني 21

Thanks Roar, if you can accept my position on Aoun, my being absolutely frank with you dear brother, I will never forgive either him nor Geagea for having as Christians gone to war against each other in the late 80s, bringing havoc, destruction, death and divisions between us like never before. Both men neither have the strength of personality, nor the charisma, nor the power of unification for the people or the nation. They went to war knowing that the Syrian criminal was on our doorsteps together with the Palestinian criminal. He Aoun was warned by the US about his alliance then with Saddam Hussein, that it will be costly for him, yet Aoun never listened, but to fight his own Christina brother? May he and Geagea never be forgiven for this wrong. I am sorry bro.