الحريري عن الحكومة: نحن إيجابيون وحزب الله حزب سياسي ولم أقدم تنازلات

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أعلن رئيس الحكومة الأسبق سعد الحريري الجمعة أنه إيجابي في ملف تشكيل الحكومة، مشيرا إلى أن حزب الله "حزب لديه تحالفات كبيرة"، ومشيرا إلى أن الهدف أصبح "استقرار البلاد".

وقال الحريري في حديث صحفي الجمعة "فيما يخص الاتفاق (حول التشكيل) نحن ايجابيون في تشكيل حكومة. هذا شيء جيد للبلد وللاستقرار في البلد".

وأشار إلى أنه لم يقدم تنازلات بخصوص المشاركة في حكومة مع حزب الله وحلفائه "فمبدأ المحاكمة أن المتهم بريء حتى تثبت إدانته ونحن نعرف بأنهم افتراضيا هم الذين ارتكبوا هذا الجرائم".

وأضاف "نحن نعرف انه من الممكن ان يكون هذا هو الحال ولكن في نهاية المطاف هذا حزب سياسي لديه تحالف كبير مع العونيين وآخرين".

كما تابع "نحن نحاول أن نحكم البلد مع الجميع لاننا لا نريد ان نبقي اي احد خارجا لأن لبنان يمر في فترة صعبة خاصة بعد أن فشل المجتمع الدولي فشلا ذريعا في القضية في سوريا".

وردا على سؤال حول ما اذا كان متفائلا بخصوص تشكيل الحكومة قال الحريري "انا متفائل جدا ...لا اعرف متى ولكن أنا متفائل".

وحول ما اذا كانت هناك خطوطا حمراء قال "الخطوط الحمراء تمليها احتياجات البلاد ونحن نريد أن تستقر البلاد".

يذكر ان تيار "المستقبل" موافق على مشاركة الحزب في الحكومة واجتمع رئيس الكتلة النائب فؤاد السنيورة أكثر من مرة مع رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري لهذا الغرض.

إلا أن العقدة الأساسية هي البيان الوزراء لأن التيار وقوى 14 آذار تفض صيغة "الجيش والشعب والمقاومة" وتطالب بإعلان بعبدا.

ويأتي حديث الحريري مع بدء محاكمات المتهمين بقتل والده رئيس الوزراء الأسبق رفيق الحريري عام 2005. وفيما تتهم المحكمة الدولية خمسة عناصر من حزب الله فهي لا تحاكم دولا أو مؤسسات بحسب نظامها الداخلي.

التعليقات 16
Thumb lebanon_first 18:02 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

Yeah Saad. Dont offer concessions. Why would you? You are living the high life in Paris. Receiving people and accepting and refusing positions.

You dont care that Lebanon's economy is on its knees because of your arm wrestling with Hezb Iran. You can afford to hold 10 more years. You have the cash reserves. Go to hell you and Hezb Iran.

Thumb cedre 18:40 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

arm wrestling is better that giving up lebanon to iranians...

Thumb Mystic 22:02 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

Mr. Hariri is opening up, because he knows this is the best for Lebanon. All you others don't care about your own leaders wishes, not very loyal of you,

Missing imagine_1979 00:44 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Well mystic leaders do get it wrong sometimes(many times) that's why people should monitor and sanction them, that's what elections are for, but since u lived in syria and u don't have had real choice (98% votes for assad) u don't get the concept of accountability, but it will come, or at least i hope ithat it will...

Thumb proudm14. 15:20 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Mystic's sectarian mind thinks that leaders are chosen by god...and that calling for accountability of SHN and Assad is the same as betrayal and helping the enemy. Brainwashed people with evil intentions.

Thumb Mystic 20:54 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

How am i secterian on this matter? I'm simply applying that you should respect your leaders wishes, and not whine about it like a little crying baby.

Thumb lebanon_first 22:05 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

Prime. It is clear you are not earning a living in lebanon. I am not saying that Hezb iran is good.I am saying that their constant haggling is a drain to the economy. You obviously dont care about economy of lebanon since you live and work in venezuela. You dont care if they tear lebanon to shreds to get rid of the "evil" HA.

But for most of us living in lebanon, we are tired of this whole charade of politicians which is ruining our economy.

Thumb popeye 22:13 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

so L_F, go live with HA, form a government, and accept their militia.

Thumb primesuspect 23:42 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

L_F out of respect 4 the victims, the dead, the maimed, and those who lost their jobs, businesses, cars, houses we cannot give up on justice. u can't be selfish simply because u have been spared so far. political figures aside, it could have been ur daughter or brother on the sidewalk when the cars blew up. Lebanon has to c it thru. u can't be ungrateful, Hariri got rid of syrian boots by dying, now it's every lebanese duty 2 finish off the occupation which is iranian. They brought misery 2 lebanon by attacking the syrian revolutionaries. there's no shortcut 2 justice.

Missing someone_somewhere 18:24 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

Where Saad Hariri resides today has nothing to do with the issue. The point is not to give into some key points which might take us back to exactly where we were. You comment about the the concession bit but are not commenting about the comments around the red lines were in his comments he puts lebanon and it's stability first. He said that he didn't compromise, but was mustakbal not talking about the post Shattah assassination era not being the same as the pre-Shattah? Are they not now willing to form a cabinet with hizbullah (when they believe that hizbullah is responsible for the bombings)? I call this compromise? Again I am not a fan of M14 but I am trying to be objective

Thumb primesuspect 19:06 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

Mr prime minister, do not negotiate with terrorist! Never come on

Thumb shab 20:00 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

Sharp suit

Thumb IndependentThinker 23:46 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

That is disappointing. Hariri is caving in again. What for? Maybe it's a ruse to show he wanted to work with Hezb, but knowing that this will not happen.

Why do we have to compromise with Hezb now? They are the troublemakers everywhere and the reason why Lebanon going backwards, each year.

Thumb smarty 23:55 ,2014 كانون الثاني 17

it's odd. but isn't mustaqbal managed by sanioura?

Thumb IndependentThinker 00:41 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

smarty- same thing, no? they are part of the same kitchen.

Thumb smarty 01:46 ,2014 كانون الثاني 18

Well, if he's not the party leader, his say doesn't weigh as much.

anyway, i think he relies on his LF and Kataeb allies to take over with the pressure. it's a game.... and he/they shouldn't compromise with the Hezb, never ever again. they are backstabbers, hijackers and assassins.