جنبلاط اتصل بالحريري وشكره: الاصطفاف الجديد لن يمنع التلاقي بين الأفرقاء

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أجرى رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط اتصالا هاتفيا برئيس الحكومة الاسبق سعد الحريري وشكر له الكلام الذي تناوله به في مقابلته التلفزيونية الاخيرة مع محطة "ام تي في".

وكان الحريري قد كشف أن كلمة "الغدر" التي أعلنها قبيل مغادرته بيروت لم يكن يقصد بها النائب جنبلاط، بل رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي والوزير محمد الصفدي، اللذين وصفهما بأنهما "أدوات" وعنصرا الضعف في قوى 14 آذار".

واذ لم يكشف جنبلاط تفاصيل اتصاله بالحريري، اكتفى بالقول في حديث لصحيفة "النهار": "سمعت منه جوابا وكلاما مؤثرا وأترك لنفسي الاحتفاظ به".

وأفاد جنبلاط الذي عاد والوزير غازي العريضي ليل الاربعاء من زيارة لموسكو، ان وزير الخارجية الروسي سيرغي لافروف الذي التقاه في موسكو رحب بكلام الحريري وعدم اقفاله باب الحوار مع الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله.

وكان الحريري في مقابلته مع محطة الـ"MTV" قد رد على سؤال عما اذا كان مستعدا للقاء السيد نصر الله بالقول "انا لست ضد الحوار لمصلحة لبنان، لكن اذا اردت ان اتحاور اريد ان يكون معي شهود كي لا ينسب لي أي كلام وكي لا ينسب للسيد حسن أي كلام".

وأشار جنبلاط الى أن "نصيحة لافروف للافرقاء اللبنانيين كافة هي عدم السير ببلدهم الى خطوط التوترات والمحاور وأن هذا السلوك لا يخدم موقع لبنان ومصلحته".

وأكد جنبلاط لـ"النهار" ان "مساعدة روسيا للبنان في القطاع العسكري قطعت شوطاً كبيراً وانها مستعدة أيضاً للمساعدة في قطاع السكك الحديد".

أما في الشأن السياسي الداخلي، فقال جنبلاط إن "الاصطفاف السياسي الجديد لا ينبغي أن يمنع التلاقي بين سائر الأفرقاء"، مشدداً على "ضرورة احترام رأي الآخر والاصرار على الحوار".

وجدد دعوته الى عقد لقاء بين الحريري ونصرالله "لأننا محكومون بالعيش المشترك ولا يستطيع أحد إلغاء الآخر".

وأيد دعوة رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان الى الحوار "بغية التوصل الى الاستراتيجية الدفاعية والبحث في مركزية السلاح مع شرط عدم استخدامه في الداخل"، كما أيد بداية انطلاقة الحكومة ورئيسها نجيب ميقاتي "شرط ألا تمارس سياسة ثأرية".

التعليقات 19
Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 09:04 ,2011 تموز 22

Well done Joumblatt, well done Lavrov. You should cheer the one who is accepting to sit on the table with those who have fooled the country so many times, sponsored planned executed -as it seems - not only the killing of a former PM, but much more, for the only good reason , not only are they unrepentent, but that the criminal this time, in order to protect himself, to get away with his horrendous depicable criminal attitude, threatens to do much more, against whole communities, against a whole country. And that is called stability, preaching for stability, that is called wisdom, that is summed up by the slogan 'no one is bigger than his own country ' ( how about Badreddine and Nasrallah, are they bigger!) that is brushing away all what happened until ........the next killing fields are back all over again!

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 09:08 ,2011 تموز 22

Bravo ya Walid, this appeasement, we saw what it lead in germany in the thirties, bravo Walid if this called coexistence. Yes for coexistence with a community that is being deceived and fooled day after day, no to coexistence with a killing machine!

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 11:23 ,2011 تموز 22

The room to manoever could be limited for the time being bigdig, but you don't hand the armed thief the key to the coffers for that matter! Soe time something somewhere is going to change the equation, be it through a regime change in Syria, be it through an american policy change towards Iran ( in particular if Republicans are back in the US), then things won't be the same. Ceaucescou and Milosevic are in the dustbin of History. Others may soon follow...

Missing mirvete11 12:06 ,2011 تموز 22

History taught us not to listen or trust Jumblat.

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 12:49 ,2011 تموز 22

Mowaten One could easily argue that injustice IS civil war in itself, and not the other way round,cause it will lead people or communities to take matters in their own hands. Obviously you cannot fight the bear bear hands ! Remember the David and Goliath story...Foxes survive better than hyenas.
I will not admit to the logic that total submission under latent threats as the only possible way forward. This would be tantamount to a free pass to do more of the same in the future.And that is even a bigger risk than nailing the culprits down, when that becomes possible. They should be pressured unrelentlessly.

Default-user-icon Blue (ضيف) 12:56 ,2011 تموز 22

We have talked enough..... these thugs understand one thing and one thing only: An eye for an eye and a tooth for a million teeth!!!! They are a cancer that needs to be extracted by any and all means.

Thumb bashir 14:23 ,2011 تموز 22

Nice photo, looking good Waliid.

Default-user-icon SaturN (ضيف) 15:06 ,2011 تموز 22

Can we telephone him too? Got a few things to say.

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 16:55 ,2011 تموز 22

Bigdig this his the tide of history and you can't stop it. We're not counting on Another Bush but on the Syrian people, even if the pasdaran and the hezb fighters push theultimate deadline a bit further out. The punishment will eventually come and will be severe. It took 10 yrs to wait for Saddam to be taken out him and his 2 glorious siblings.the only strategic mistake he made is to open for Iran floodgates to the mediterranean. He should have taken both out at the same time! 8 yrs is not too much waiting the hope some cleaning job will qeventually take place. As to be booted out of power by foul players there is no glory in that to the Ashraaff! There is no glory in beating Mike Tyson in a fight wearing an armure and a helmet. You remain what you are, a moserable coward and a worm!

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 17:01 ,2011 تموز 22

no bla bla bla it all depends on the situation of bashar and his gang rewgime.
n.b.by " situation" i mean the civil war in the shaqiqa,dont fool urself just wait.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 17:07 ,2011 تموز 22

Sure Hezbollah wants dialog now that it holds all of the cards in it's hand. Hezbollah still has IRS weapons outside of the command and control of the government, and, it has the government.
Dialog is supposed to be about multiple parties coming to ether and negotiating to a mutually beneficial result. This cannot happen as long as Hezbollah is armed and has shown the capacity to use those arms or the mere threat of use thm to politically politically negate the other side.
Hezbollah's call to dialogue is not a call foe coexistance. It is a call for the cloak of legitimacy from the M14 parties. Withholding this grant of legitimacy is the last card that M14 has, vis a vis M8. So the call to dialog is a call to M14 to surrender all power, to capitulate and to commit political suicide.
Hezbollah lacks the power to eliminate M14 by force of arms, so it wants M
14 to self terminate by granting the cloak of legitimacy to this coup government.
To M14, tell M8 - NUTS!

Thumb shab 17:09 ,2011 تموز 22

So Russia has lifted it's veto now. Syria will be bombed. Hurray

Default-user-icon Ben-USA (ضيف) 17:12 ,2011 تموز 22

You seem like you know what you are saying sometimes but then I read some of your other posts and wonder if you're bipolar. If Bush did bomb Iran, which many of his supporters wanted him to do, he would have been condemned further by the international community. I, for one, believe that history will record Bush to have done the right thing, albeit, a little poorly.

Thumb erasmus16@gmail.com 17:16 ,2011 تموز 22

It's the eternal dilemma: succumb to the guy with the gun, or keep your dignity and possibly face dire consequences.

Jumblatt is betting that appeasement will work for now, until something changes, and he'll change his colors again. This has worked for him reasonably well in the past.

Default-user-icon Adonis (ضيف) 17:51 ,2011 تموز 22

what a portrair for Jumblat!! he looks like some one exciting for dialoge!!

Default-user-icon neutral (ضيف) 18:19 ,2011 تموز 22

This guy is only for his bank account. where did he get the 20 mil to buy land in clemanceau? is that what he got paid to topple the m14 gov? Now he is playing with the russians. mmmmmmmmm what is he up to? I am losing faith in God because of people like him. If there was a God all people in power in lebanon should be rounded up and put in jail . I bet even God left lebanon.
Lebanon is hell on earth nothing but evil is roaming its streets and gov. No one have the cure unless these people governing it are gone . I will only beleive in God when this happens. I am asking God to show me the proof that he does exist. Only the bad people survive in this world. Is it only me or are there others who think the same way i do?

Default-user-icon Bayer A. Leve (ضيف) 21:34 ,2011 تموز 22

Please somebody give this guy an Advil look at him he's obviously got a headache.

Missing peace 23:32 ,2011 تموز 22

funny the concept of dialogue among the M8 brainwashed supporters...

we have the gun on your temple and we are ready to dialogue...
you must agree with us and then we can dialogue!!!!

strange way to dialogue and they accuse M14 to want a civil war?
how dare they say they want to build a civiilsed state with manners from the middle ages....

Default-user-icon Aram M. (ضيف) 15:46 ,2011 تموز 23

M. Jumblatt eg the houseboy of mohammad nassif & cie knows that each time he praises Sadd Hariri the latter looses numbers of his 14 Marcher supporters. In Jumblatt & Assads Gang minds, Hariri is a naive person who can be easily manipulated/operated. Jumblatt's (& Suleiman) present تذاكي with Hariri in the out of date Lebanese way is seriously intended to bring Hariri (& 14 March) to join the rancid smelling buffoonery called Dialogue table. 14 March should simply encourage Jumblatt, Sleiman, Mikati, Hazbal & the rest of the bunch to dialogue between themselves. الطيور على أشكالها تقع. Lebanese will just laugh. No need to be a genious to foresee that any 14 March accepting even under conditions to be a part of such a garbage means nothing but suicide in terms of popularity & support.