رعد:يجب سحب اليد من المحكمة الدولية لاستهدافها المقاومة

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دعا رئيس "كتلة الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب محمد رعد الى "سحب اليد من المحكمة الدولية بسبب استهدافها المقاومة".

وشدد رعد خلال حفل لمناسبة ولادة الإمام المهدي على ان "التغيير الحقيقي هو الذي تضعه ارادة الشعوب دون تدخل القوى الخارجية"، مشيرا الى ان "ما نشهده من أحداث في سوريا لا يندرج تحت عنوان التغيير".

وأكد رعد ان "الحكومة الجديدة كرست معادلة الإنتصار، أي الجيش والشعب والمقاومة، وان العدو وأسياده يريدون استهداف المقاومة لأنها تمثل ما تبقى من كرامة في هذا العالم".

وقال: "لقد جعلنا لبنان رقما صعبا في المعادلة الإقليمية، وحطمنا اسطورة العدو وكشفنا زيف تفوقه، هذا العدو أجبرناه بعقل مقاومتنا التي أتقنت التخطيط والتنفيذ والتدريب والإستفادة من الفرص، وأحسنت الأداء على المستوى القيادي وعلى المستوى الشعبي، ولمت شمل المقاومين الذين هفت نفوسهم لتحقيق انتصار كان يشكل حلما بالنسبة لشعوبنا في العالم العربي والإسلامي".

التعليقات 27
Missing mansour 13:43 ,2011 تموز 19

LOL just this line from this mut makes me laugh and enuff said.Thank you :)

The enemy and its masters want to target the Resistance because it represents what is left of dignity in this world."

Default-user-icon Stavros (ضيف) 13:50 ,2011 تموز 19

What a joker, in one sentance he says the resistance is not for a sect or religion and in the second he says its for the ummah. They really are self absorbed and brainwashed as i really think they believe they are rightious and dignified despite all the lebanese blood and destruction in thier hands. sick!

Default-user-icon Fuziyad (ضيف) 14:34 ,2011 تموز 19

Little Mikati keeps saying the gov will cooperate with the STL and then comes one of his superiors to say the opposite, pathetic...

Default-user-icon jabal amel tahto (ضيف) 14:37 ,2011 تموز 19

...zionist detected!!

Aoun: Hezbollah has prolonged the time of occupation. There was a proposal ‎from Israel in ‎‏1994‏‎. Would the Lebanese government tell us why at that time it withdrew from ‎the negotiations when the Israeli proposal for withdrawal from South Lebanon was ‎submitted.‎

Thumb Marc 14:50 ,2011 تموز 19

Is this guy for real? Prove your innocence in the court of law. The more I look into HA, the more I see it as an organized crime gangsters! How can anyone elect someone like this is beyond me

Default-user-icon Blue (ضيف) 14:53 ,2011 تموز 19

He added: “The enemy and its masters want to target the Resistance because it represents what is left of dignity in this world.”

According to this peacock there is no dignity left except in Dahiye? These people must and should be sent to a mental hospital, I swear. Yeah.... they presented their divine victory to all the lebanese on a plate of blood, destruction, and futility. Did u ever asked the lebanese if they want you and your resistance? Who authorized you to carry weapons and who asked you to defend Lebanon? You defend your sect, your Iran, and your wilayat al faqih. Stop marketing yourself coz u are selling an expired and rotten product.

Default-user-icon Ali (ضيف) 15:20 ,2011 تموز 19

On the developments in Syria, the MP said: “Real change can be achieved by the people without foreign meddling … the developments in Syria don’t fall under the movement of change.”

who is this self-centered, conceited, and arrogant man fooling? The developments in Bahrain however DO FALL under the movement of change???

Hypocrisy in motion....!

Thumb thepatriot 15:58 ,2011 تموز 19

Thank you for your "DIVINE" declaration Mr. Raad... THUG!

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 16:16 ,2011 تموز 19

On the face of it, this statement is silly. For the government to follow Raad's advice, means that the government would have to rebuke it's own policy statement. One could argue that the policy statement is already broken by the public stance of Hezbollah regarding the STL as well as the actions of Hezbollah in continuing to smuggle arms from Syria.

But this is the Hezbollah agenda, to collapse the Mikati gov't and to seize power directly rather than indirectly.
Aoun's FPM incubated this thing after it's protector, Syria,left. Now that it has power in the gov't, the natural progression of this disease is to take over the body. To kill cancer kill it's blood supply. To kill this invasion of Lebanese culture, kill it's money supply. When Iran or Syria run out of money or the interest in giving it to Hezbollah, then we get relief. At least it's not financially self sustaining. Hezbollah ha nothing anyone wants to buy, legally.

Thumb thepatriot 16:35 ,2011 تموز 19

@ Mowaten
A policemen is a government employee. Not Hezbollah!
Hezbollah provoked them, and even your stupid H Nasrallah admitted that he regretted his action.
Turban heads don’t have the means of their politics! We do not want to pay the price of their adventures! Let them free the Golan if they want, we want to live in peace, watch our children grow safely, have jobs, attract investors, prosper economically… WE DON”T WANT TO FREE PALESTINE!! This is not our fight God damned! We’ve paid ahigh price already! Enough of these Hezbollah extremist pigs who think they can take the destiny of an entire country in their own hands!

Thumb bashir 16:56 ,2011 تموز 19

This one's a gem:

On the developments in Syria, the MP said: “Real change can be achieved by the people without foreign meddling … the developments in Syria don’t fall under the movement of change.

Nice of him to decide for the millions of Syrians protesting and for their martyrs that they don't fall under the movement for change.

Did Hassouni hire him so he would somehow look less imbecilic by comparison?

Default-user-icon Muhamad (ضيف) 18:23 ,2011 تموز 19

Hezbollah is a terorist organization with a criminal record against Lebanese Moslems, especially the Sunis, just like Aoun and Geagea.

Thumb bashir 20:21 ,2011 تموز 19


Kindly learn to single post so you don't look quite the retard. thanks.

Missing peace 21:56 ,2011 تموز 19

poor mowaten and his illusions... hezb IS the cause of israels bombings just like the palestinians were before..
hezb is not a national resistance it only resists for its interests and iran! not lebanon...
if it was national it would obey the laws of lebanon and would respect the fact that in ANY civilised country only the GOVERNMENT has the right to declare war not a party...
you party is just a mafia militia terrorizing the country by its threat! you should be ashamed of yourself to place your confidence in a militia and not in your country.....

and you call yourself mowaten? poor pitiful you....

Missing peace 22:03 ,2011 تموز 19

your pb mowaten is that you whine against israel but never against syria who did WORSE than israel in lebanon...THEY ERASED ENTIRE VILLAGES KILLED HUNDREDS OF LEBANESE and so on...

they only dream like the israelis of absorbing lebanon in the great syria!
they always considered lebanon as a province not an independent state!

why don t you write also about the fact that syria dosen t want to give the officials papers of shebaa to prove they are lebanese or syrian?

why don t you write about the lands that syria has also taken in lebanon?

you see your resistance is not national because they don t fight against all the enemies of lebanon.... just the one that pleases them for their business!

you are illogical...

Thumb bashir 23:29 ,2011 تموز 19


Kindly learn to single post so you don't look quite the retard. thanks.

Default-user-icon bubba (ضيف) 01:21 ,2011 تموز 20

mowaten look at this map http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Greater_Syria.PNG and tell me what you think

Hassan made a party calling for this part of Parliament, Aoun ran on the same ticket in 2009, and they are part of the M8's quota of the Lebanese government.

Thumb thepatriot 10:57 ,2011 تموز 20

You certainly won’t get me to defend Israel! But, to me, today, Hezbollah is also a threat to Lebanon, peace, and Lebanese people! Israel had a project, Hezbollah had a project as well (Faqihi islamic Republic). What you are telling me is that you expect Hezbollah to eradicate Israel!! Well, personally…not interested! They would have no agenda if there was no Hezbollah! Hezbollah will always need Israel, because without it…well…it wouldn’t exist anymore! And Israel is taking all the benefit of the game, because of Hezbollah, it has an excuse to launch a war against us!

Thumb thepatriot 10:57 ,2011 تموز 20

You ask me not to impose on others the choice of peace, while you find it normal to impose on others the choice of war! There is a major difference here…
What you don’t understand ya mowaten, is that we are the fools! Nobody fights Israel but Hezbollah! You want to know why!? Because Hezbollah is the tool of Iran, of Syria, of those who know they can’t get their hands dirty, and pay the big bucks to those fools .
By this means, Hezbollah gets money, can build its own infrastructures, schools, Hospitals, etc… Israel makes them exist… huge paradox huh!?
The fight against Israel is no more an ideology for HA, it’s a mean of survival…

Thumb thepatriot 10:59 ,2011 تموز 20

You certainly won’t get me to defend Israel! But, to me, today, Hezbollah is also a threat to Lebanon, peace, and Lebanese people! Israel had a project, Hezbollah had a project as well (Faqihi islamic Republic). What you are telling me is that you expect Hezbollah to eradicate Israel!! Well, personally…not interested! They would have no agenda if there was no Hezbollah! Hezbollah will always need Israel, because without it…well…it wouldn’t exist anymore! And Israel is taking all the benefit of the game, because of Hezbollah, it has an excuse to launch a war against us!
You ask me not to impose on others the choice of peace, while you find it normal to impose on others the choice of war! There is a major difference here…

Thumb ado.australia 11:23 ,2011 تموز 20

Mowaten. Well said! 100% true and Exactly my setiments and position.

Thumb thepatriot 12:50 ,2011 تموز 20

@ mowaten
Again, you did not read me correctly so I will quote myself : “Israel had a project, Hezbollah had a project as well (Faqihi islamic Republic)” As you can see, I used a Past tense, not the Present tense… not the same!

You want HA to be a political party…excellent! So do we. They just have to lower their weapons, come sit down, and talk…

I did not call the Iranian as far as I recall, but “tools of Iran and Syria”.


Thumb thepatriot 13:05 ,2011 تموز 20

@ mowaten
I was personally mugged on a Syrian check point near chtaura in 1991!
The Syrians dried financially our country up untill 2005.
Their secret services ruled our rulers and our country. They were the law!
They humiliated us by their presence.
They had always refused to have an Embassy.
They still refuse to determine borders.
They never gave back Lebanese prisoners.
They have always used us and still do to make their dirty jobs!

That's not enough for you huh... you've got nothing against them huh...

Thumb thepatriot 13:36 ,2011 تموز 20

I can go for hours on each and every point. I unfortunately don't have the time now. Personally, I do not excuse Hariri, I know he took large benefits, him as well as his people, but he also collaborated with the Syrians...well...up until he said"stop, enough! "and they got ridd of him!
The debt can be explained by so may factors: adjusting the salaries in the public sector, the huge file of the sums of money owed to the hospitals by the Ministry of Health, the even more enormous sums of money owed to public work contractors (yes we had an entire country to rebuild, and to catch up structure wise after 20 years of nada!), not to mention the accumulated due contributions of the government to the National Social Security Fund. The value of these combined expenses certainly add up to a pretty consistant figure...don't u think??

Thumb thepatriot 13:45 ,2011 تموز 20

One more thing :)
The interrest paid by the treasury coupons between 1992 and 2000 are equal to 7B$. That's only 12% of the debt man... not the b55!

Thumb thepatriot 13:47 ,2011 تموز 20

Baah... Hezbollah Electricity Bills Debt is probabely higher than that anyway ;)

Thumb shab 16:57 ,2011 تموز 20

Heznbolla is and Israeli invention do destroy Lebanon