جنبلاط: لم أخن رفيق الحريري لكن أحيانا ايجب أن ننسى الحقيقة من أجل الإستقرار
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أكد رئيس جبهة النضال الوطني النائب وليد جنبلاط أن هناك سوء فهم في موضوع المحكمة الدولية لأن السياسة تتدخل بها ، مشددا على أنه لم يخن رفيق الحريري ولا باقي الأفرقاء، بل إنه مع العدالة بالتلازم مع الإستقرار لحماية السلم الأهلي ، داعيا الى الحوار.
وعليه، قال جنبلاط في حديث لقناة الـMTV: "لم أغيّر موقفي من المحكمة ولكن هناك سوء فهم في موضوعها قيل انها غير مسيّسة، ولكنها من الـ2005 إلى اليوم هي محور كل شيء وهي فيها سياسة لأن جريمة اغتيال الرئيس الحريري هي سياسيّة".
ورأى أنه يملك الحق في أن يشك بصدقية المحكمة الدولية لأن البعض يستخدمها لتأجيج الخلاف المذهبي.
وأضاف: "الملائكة الجدد يريدون بعد قليل اتهامي بخيانة رفيق الحريري، أنا لم أخن رفيق الحريري ولن أخونه، وأنا اتكلم كمراقب. أنا مع العدالة، وفي بعض الأحيان يجب من أجل الإستقرار والعدالة أن ننسى الحقيقة"، مشددا "نظريتي هي الاستقرار والعدالة، لأن العدالة إذا أعطيت عدم استقرار لا نكون قد وفينا بحق رفيق الحريري".
و توجه جنبلاط الى النائب بهية الحريري قائلا: "صحيح أن أطنانا من الحقد اعترضت الرئيس الحريري، واليوم صدر القرار الإتهامي وقد يكون هناك فجوة أكبر قد تفجّر أطنان كبيرة من الحقد، وهناك نوعان من العدالة: العدالة الدوليّة التي ترتبط بالأمور الدوليّة وهناك عدالة القدر، وأنا أجلس على ضفة النهر ولا بد لجثة عدوي ان تمر".
كما أكد أن "المطلوب من المحكمة الدولية حماية العدالة والإستقرار، وأنا مصر أنه في يوم ما ستظهر الحقيقة"، مردفا: "ولا أعلم من أين معلومات (النائب) مروان حمادة في أن المحكمة حمتني لأن القدر هو من حماني".
وجزم جنبلاط أن تموضعه السياسي جنب البلد فتنة درزية شيعية كادت أن تولد فتنة تمتد على مساحة الوطن، محذرا من زعزعة السلم الأهلي من خلال المحكمة الدولية.
وعن موضوع سلاح حزب الله أكد جنبلاط أن هذه المسألة لا يمكن حلها سوى بالحوار، موضحا "موضوع السلاح يهدد حزب الله لأنك تقول لحزب أساسي في لبنان وطائفة أساسيّة عانت ما عانته إعطني سلاحك، وتهددها وكأنها جسما غريبا".
وتابع: حزب الله" ليس غريبا ويجب أن نجلس معه، وكل من تحدث في مجلس النواب عن السلاح كان له قريب أو حزب استعمل السلاح وأولهم وليد جنبلاط ، وما أدراك من فائض القوّة والتعبير لي واخذه عني السنيورة، ونحن اتفقنا في الدوحة على أن يبقى السلاح حتى تحرير مزارع شبعا وتلال كفرشوبة، ولم نتفق على الإبقاء عليه لتحرير فلسطين، والخلل في هذا الإتفاق هو أنهم استقالوا".
هذا وأشار جنبلاط الى انه ليس خائفا من الوقت، قائلا : "وفي يوم ما سنلتقي وسيكون سلاح حزب الله للدولة، وفي الـ2006 كان مطلوب رأس الحزب واليوم مطلوب رأسه في لعبة أكبر منّا".
وإذ شدد على ضرورة العودة الى الحوار، أعرب جنبلاط عن رفضه تصريح الأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله "الذي قال أنه ليس مع الحوا".
وقال:، "ما معو حق، وإن كان حزبه متهم بالإغتيال على السيّد مسايرتهم، ولا يمكنه أن يقول بعد 300 سنة يجب الجلوس والتحاور بالقرائن والدلائل، لأن لدى بعضهم مشاعر شخصيّة يجب مراعاتها".
وحول الحكومة لفت جنبلاط الى أن "الحكومة واضحة بالتزامها واحترامها القرارات الدوليّة، معتبرا أن هناك حملة لتجريد ميقاتي من من وطنيّته وسنيّته، مؤكدا أن هذه الحكومة ستقوم بأكمل واجباتها اتجاه المواطن بغض النظر عن مدى عمرها.
22:39 ,2011 تموز 11
جنبلاط: سوف نحاول أن نقوم بواجباتنا اتجاه المواطن في هذه الحكومة بغض النظر إن كان عمرها طويل أو قصير
22:27 ,2011 تموز 11
جنبلاط: لا أحد يلغي الآخر في هذا البلد مهما كان له فائض قوة
22:24 ,2011 تموز 11
جنبلاط:لا علاقة بين السلاح وتحقيق العدالة لأن السلاح يعالج بالحوار
22:23 ,2011 تموز 11
جنبلاط: انا مع العودة الى طاولة الحوار وانا ضد احد تصاريح السيد نصرالله انه ضد الحوار واذا كان هناك فئة تعتبر ان الحزب قد يكون مشتركا في الاغتيال فيجب ان نسايرهم ونجلس معهم للحوار
22:20 ,2011 تموز 11
جنبلاط: أنا متفائل لأن في يوم ما سنلتقي وسيكون هذا السلاح للدولة اللبنانية ولا اخاف من الوقت
22:18 ,2011 تموز 11
جنبلاط: كان يمكن حل مشكلة شبكة الإتصالات الأرضية بالحوار وليس بقرارات 5 أيار
22:17 ,2011 تموز 11
جنبلاط: كل الفئات التي تحدثت في مجلس النواب حول السلاح كانت مشتركة بشكل او بآخر بالسلاح واولهم وليد جنبلاط وعندما نشعر بفائض القوة كم يولد ذلك من غرور ومآسي
22:04 ,2011 تموز 11
جنبلاط: القدر حماني وربما التسوية التي قمت بها في 11 آذار هي التي حمتني، وأرى خطرا على السلم الاهلي وربما نبدأ بمحكمة ومفاعيلها وقد تنتهي بشيء آخر
21:59 ,2011 تموز 11
جنبلاط: تموضعي السياسي جنب البلاد فتنة درزية شيعية كانت ستمتد على مساحة الوطن
21:52 ,2011 تموز 11
جنبلاط: أنا لم أخن رفيق الحريري ولا غيره ولكني أنبه من المخاطر فأنا مع العدالة والإستقرار ولكن أفضل أن أنسى الحقيقة من أجل السلم
21:50 ,2011 تموز 11
جنبلاط: الحكومة واضحة نحترم ونلتزم القرارات الدولية وهناك حملة لتجريد ميقاتي من وطنيته وسنيّته وقبل ميقاتي كان احدهم كان موافقا بالحد الادنى على الغاء المفاعيل داخليا
21:50 ,2011 تموز 11
جنبلاط: حزب الله يعتبر المحكمة الدولية مؤامرو عليه بعد فشل محاولة المؤامرة في 2006 والحزب يعتبر أن الإتهام مسيس
21:47 ,2011 تموز 11
جنبلاط لبهية الحريري: صحيح كانت أطنانا من الحقد تنتظر رفيق الحريري وقتلته ولكن قد يكون هناك أطنان من الحقد وفجوة أكبر قد تفجر بعد القرار الإتهامي نتيجة لعبة الأمم
21:47 ,2011 تموز 11
جنبلاط: هناك نوعان من العدالة عدالة المحاكم الدولية التي تتأرجح احيانا وقد تتأثر بمصالح الدول وهناك القدر ولا بد ان تمر جثة عدوي يوما ما أمامي
21:41 ,2011 تموز 11
جنبلاط: أملنا التوصل الى حل من خلال السين سين ومصالح الدول الكبرى تلاقت في إسقاطها وأتى من يقول لا لسعد الحريري وللتسوية
21:40 ,2011 تموز 11
جنبلاط: نظريتي هي الاستقرار والعدالة لأن العدالة إذا أعطيت عدم استقرار لا نكون قد وفينا بحق رفيق الحريري
21:32 ,2011 تموز 11
جنبلاط: لم أغير موقفي اتجاه المحكمة الدولية ولكن هناك سوء فهم والسياسة جملة تناقضات وتغيرات ويجب ان نتأقلم بالمتغيرات وكيف اذا كانت في لبنان تقاطع مصالح

Why don't you come out ans tell the truth...they either bribed you or threatened you

You liked him when he was on your side, our turn, so man up and shut up!

Satbility without justice is a fake stability where the killers continue assasinating political figures or whom they disagree with at their pleasrue knowing they can always get away with it. I would like to ask Mr. Jumblat, is this the kind of country you want to build one without justice?

No we'll not forget about truth for the sake of stability.those times are over. trife dosen't vanish because we bury our heads in the sand. You are wrong again and again. Typical old fashioned sect thinking.

Saad thought that king Abdallah was dying. That is why he turned his back on his Saudi-Syrian initiative. He embrassed the f... wahabi Bandar bin Sultan line to shun dialogue and fight hezbollah. This upset Jumblat and caused him to drop Hariri.
And this caused Abdallah to get open files on Oger which are putting Oger on the brink of bankrupcy. Now not only are Lebanese suppliers and employees of Oger suffering, also we are stuck with Hezbollah, the party of weapons who thinks he is above the law, to control the country. Thank you Saad for your stupid move. This is what happens when we put an inexperienced boy as prime minister. Hopefully Miqati will pick up the pieces and limit the damage.

watch him change if syria falls. He is with the highest bidder. He toppled march 14 after he got payed. What a joke. What is he living off? i want to know.

"You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war."
This was Winston Churchill's statement after Neville Chamberlain returned from signing the Munich Pact with Hitler.
I wonder if by replacing the word dishonor with injustice the above still holds - Quite frankly, I hope it does not !

What a coward, he even admits he changed sides just to save his own skin.You Sir are a disgrace to all the martyrs of Lebanon for have fought for TRUE civil peace from the civil war to the present day.You will go down in history as the biggest coward who sold his soul to Iran and Syria.Thank you

yes shab...we want justice...we want all you zionist agents in jail

i guess he wants to forget how he was paid to change side to the march 14 traitors and how he revealed the resistance network that was in use against zionists only. but walid, we do not forget. if you claim now that hezb'allah killed rafiq than you can freely change sides again and take down this goverment. yes, get harriri back to the power. you think it will change anything? of course not, you flipfloper. you will just be punished on next elections.

So in his above statement he very clearly says that HA did it but we need to turn a blind eye because they are threatening to do away with me.
We do not want strife either but by doing what you did, any Tom Dick or Harry could come in, kill our PM and because they are powerful, we pat them on the back and offer to assist them should they require it.
A true patriot does not succumb to this type of pressure even if in danger. You sir are no patriot but a true coward.

You are indirectly responsible for spilling the blood of Rafik Hariri. By bowing to your masters and refusing to tell the truth about the murder of your father, the killers went on their killing spree with impunity. The truth about the murder of Kamal Jumblat and the fight for justice could have saved many lives. Enough is enough. There is no real peace without the truth and justice.
If you read between the lines, he practically agreeing with the indictment or at least the arrest warrants... He is just trying to have a different approach in dealing with them. My problem is, if someone gets away with a murder, he will go and do it again... Justice has to be served!

Obviously he had to leave M14, the Mossad and CIA infested Hezbollah threatened to attack the Shouf again. Notice he still has not retracted his accusations that the car bombs that kill all these people came from Dahieh and the Mossad and CIA infested Hezbollah.did not deny those accusations

He is talking pure nonsense. There is no such thing as achieving civil peace and stability by abandoning the truth and the justice system which seeks and is based upon the truth. Quite the opposite, instability is the product of attempting to avoid the truth and of a lack of justice. Look at Syria today. Just look. Forty years of avoiding the truth and avoiding justice does not make grievances go away, it just allows them to simmer until one day they explode. And now they have exploded.
According to Jumblatt's theory of justice, if the accused threatens to disturb the peace if the authorities attempt an arrest of the accused, then the proper response of the authorities is to abandoned the effort of arresting the accused.
Carried further, the criminal justice system should never even investigate the alleged crimes of persons who would disturb civil peace, because the arrest warrant could never be executed.
This leaves civil society hostage to guns, which is where Lebanon is.

It is a bit ridiculous the amount of constant bickering of how the STL is politicized and how it's goals are not benefiting Lebanon but it's intentions are to serve USA and Israel.
How can you have stability when you know at any moments the killers can kill more people and leaders and get away with it? How can you live knowing that at any moment you might get killed and the killer will go away with it. This is like saying let's have a Syria or Iran and shut up. The idea is just so absurd that I can't believe anyone is saying it.
Regarding the STL being politicized newsflash: the reason for Hariri's murder is because of politics. There are hundreds of people being involved in this tribunal, many of them have access to read the files, the idea that some of them might leak some data to the public is inevitable. However injecting data is much more difficult because of the nature of how the data is stored and interconnected.
At the end if we can't trust the STL whom can we?

Walid has no moral compass, his father would be so ashamed of him.

So basically he's saying HA was behind the assassination of Hariri, also he was the first to accuse the Hizb of involvement a long time ago in '06 I think. Talking about the car being prepared in Dahiyeh and all that.

So basically he's saying HA was behind the assassination of Hariri, also he was the first to accuse the Hizb of involvement a long time ago in '06 I think. Talking about the car being prepared in Dahiyeh and all that.

ya walid u'll be the first "fatality" of stability based on criminality

Trusting an assassin to provide stability is the height of naivete mr Walid Beyk . Shame on you for kowtowing to the murderers .

me... your comment Churchill/Chamberlain is very nicely put; however, I'm afraid it coud be worth: have war and no Justice. Take care

3ayb! Wlik 3ayb!
Perhaps we should also forget about the truth that at least in July 2006, Hizb-Allah was not the offender but Israel was, because that will certainly appease the Israelis and the Americans and will certainly guarantee a more "stable" border in our South. Perhaps we should also forget about the truth of who killed Kamal Jumblat, because otherwise that may rock the boat and we won't have too much stability then, right Walid?
And you dare claim you are a Durzi? Why you aren't even a believer! I'm supposing you're not yet 40 years old, ya Bèk, because you don't seem to have read a page of the Munfarid bi Thatihi so that you blaspheme Truth with such impunity! It is certainly not "Fate" that has protected you: it is your cowardice, and your willing to get on your knees to save your neck.
Jursa lal'Druz, lal'Libneniyé, w la kil el-3arab!

“If a certain group believes that Hizbullah might be involved in the assassination, we must talk with them and sit with them around the dialogue table,” he advised.
This is how Jumblat intends to build a state and support institutions! Instead of arresting the killers, he suggests we should sit down and talk to them over a cup of coffee and some sweets. Go ..... yourself.

To the guy using the pseudonym ME (capital letters) - If you don't mind can you please use another pseudonym just to avoid confusion between ME and me.
Because me is me.

Jumblat wants us to live with a Lebanese party that was involved with Haines crimes that claimed our Prime Minister and a number of other patriotic martyrs. I believe if justice is not served and if Hizbulla does not admit to this crime, the anger with many of the Lebanese will brew until it erupts in civil war. No one is against the shites, our Lebanese brethern, but we cannot accept a party in parlaiment that was involved in a terrosit act against its sate and people. As the license plate in New Hempshire states says - ""live free or die.

Sorry big dig, I must disagree. He is exactly what's wrong with Lebanese politics. He is nothing but a feudal sectarian ruler of his fiefdom. He doesn't care about Lebanon but only his sect. He would sell out Lebanon for his sect and would not give a crap if the whole of the south, bekka, metn and north Lebanon burnt to the ground as long as the chouf and alley were untouched. However, I do hope I am wrong.

Jumblatt again finds himself on the opposite side of future currents. He does not have to worry too much longer about his safety, Syria's Assad is about to disappear (within 9 months) and HA's power in Lebanon will decrease considerably.

Who is rafik hariri ? you mean to say saad hariri the one hiding in France ..!!

Bigdig so you telling us that you watched the interview and JumBlatt didn't say the quotes he said?
I Think you were mesmerized by his beauty to even hear a word he said.
This guy and rest of the cowards need to be shipped out of Lebanon real quick.Thank you

I like the word 'sometimes' in Joumblatt's statement.It clearly means, only when the criminal is stronger than the rule of Law, stronger than the police, than the army, should me come to common sense, wisdom, and bow to his blackmail! This calls for the following remarks:
An implicit admission of the Hezb ( and others bigger than the Hezb) guilt, because only they could disrupt by force civil peace.
'Sometimes' refer to a repetitive event, and indeed the absence of punishment and deterrent means that what has been used as a means to grab power, could be easily used again if not contained
Assassinations have been used as a routine political managment tool and that doesn't only refer to RH's assassination but also to all other politicians and public figures that had the same fate.
If it were proven the Hezb and many others have plotted, incited, executed those assassinations - and what we're talking about here is scientific forensic painstkingly collected evidence despite

@ Bigdig
Dude...are you high??
"his sence of fairness and his concious..." ?????
Did u even hear or read what the guy said!!!???

So despite the obstruction, deceiving tactics ( are they behind the false witnesses?) on the part of those who infilttrated the state and security apparatuses at all levels and who knew preciselyfrom the beginning how fast the circle was closing on them) so what's extraordinary is that they find themselves accused but have managed to be at the helm of the boat.
Only a powerful organisation such as an international tribunal with the full force of the UN Behind them can ultimately subdue a rebellious lawless force.
Finally, justice IS the cornerstone to stability, the starting point of any collective peaceful sustainable social order and not a threat to it unless someone has designed it to be so! On the contrary the most formidable threat to social peace is the absence of justice and the likeness it will push people to seek justice by themselves, no matter how long it takes. With the changes taking place in the reguon that won t be 300 years!

So what is the truth that we must forget! The truth that Hizballah was the one that was involved in murdering Prime Minister Harriri? Noticed in this interview that he did not defend much the fact the Hizballah members were involved in the killing

WJ beyk is playing it safely as usual, opening a back door for what could come next... he isn't that credible, he never was
His intentions r neither good or bad, it's the survival of his sect and its "king doer" that is the most important for him... he can be seen as a wise man from and for his people but never ever as a Lebanese patriot

Waleed Beik, I think you have caught so many viruses & worms, you need to click on Options then click restore default settings....No shame in that...

Well it's true what he said about forgeting to protect the civil peace... After all he forgot that the syrians killed his father and he went kissing their butts. Anyway, Nothing can be said more than that.

Justice Powers on and Criminals will be punished comewhat may!! No matter what the 2 dollar slut and flip flopping weasel Jumblat says. This clown has become just like the "Boy that cried wolf", irrelevant, not credible, and certainly not of any use to anyone certainly not to Lebanon or the Free Lebanese and cause of Justice and Peace in Lebanon and the wider Middle East... No free democratic and "progressive" country at Peace can be built except on the solid basis of Justice, transparency, and accountability to the people.