Michel Suleiman
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Baabda Officials Deny Ties with Hizbullah Severed

President Michel Suleiman has relations with all the political parties in Lebanon and has no enmity with any of them, Baabda Palace officials said.

The officials, who were not identified, told An Nahar daily published on Thursday that “the president is in continuous contact with all the political parties.”

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Suleiman Contacts Hollande, Urges Lebanese Diligence to Combat Terrorism

President Michel Suleiman contacted on Tuesday French President Francois Hollande to stress Lebanon's commitment to fighting terrorism, most notably in light of Tuesday's blast in the Bekaa region of Baalbek, reported the National News Agency.

Suleiman urged the Lebanese people “to exercise diligence against the repeated attempts to spread violence and terrorism to Lebanon.”

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Geagea Accuses Hizbullah, March 8 of Provoking Takfiris in Lebanon

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea lashed out on Tuesday at Hizbullah accusing it of stimulating the Takfiris in Lebanon due to its involvement in the ongoing battles in Syria, calling on the formation of an active and cohesive cabinet.

“The Lebanese people are tolerating the repercussions of Hizbullah's actions in Syria, despite the fact that the party isn't seeking any political or popular cover for its acts,” Geagea said during a ceremony commemorating the late writer and journalist, Nasir al-Assad and artist & Journalist, Pierre Sadek.

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Aridi Briefed Suleiman on Resignation Decision as PSP Suffers Blow

Former caretaker Public Works and Transport Minister Ghazi al-Aridi informed President Michel Suleiman about his intention to resign despite his failure to mention the matter to his fellows at the Progressive Socialist Party, al-Joumhouria newspaper reported.

Sources told the daily that Aridi informed Suleiman about his move after the Financial Prosecutor Judge Ali Ibrahim summoned him over a corruption scandal, prompting the president to voice his consensus over the matter.

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Ban Says Dealing with Burden of Refugees More Difficult Amid Lack of New Cabinet

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has said the “complicated” situation in Lebanon was exacerbated by the pressure of Syrian refugees fleeing the fighting in their country.

“The situation in Lebanon is very much complicated,” Ban said in his year-end press conference in New York on Monday.

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FPM Says Hizbullah has No Official Stance over Aoun's Candidacy to Presidency

Change and Reform bloc MP Alain Aoun denied on Monday that Hizbullah officially named Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun to run for presidential post.

He said in comments to Voice of Lebanon radio (100.5) that “the party has no official stance over the nomination of FPM leader for the presidency.”

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Berri Denies Dispute with Suleiman over Presidential Elections

Speaker Nabih Berri ruled out on Monday reports saying that there is a dispute between him and President Michel Suleiman, describing the relations as “normal.”

“History repeats itself as the situation we're witnessing today is similar to the one we lived in 2007 with some simple differences,” Berri told local newspapers.

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Jumblat Holds Onto 9-9-6 Formula, Won't Give Cover to De Facto Cabinet

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat reiterated that he was holding onto the formation of an all-embracing cabinet in which each of the rival camps would get nine ministers and centrists six.

“I am holding onto my stance in forming a consensual government based on the 9-9-6 formula,” Jumblat, a centrist, told As Safir daily published on Monday.

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Arslan Hits Back at Suleiman: Cabinet Not Only of Concern to Him, But Rather to All Lebanese

Lebanese Democratic Party leader MP Talal Arslan on Sunday hit back at President Michel Suleiman over his stance on the cabinet formation process, stressing that the issue does not only concern the president but rather all Lebanese.

“I don't understand the president's insistence on pushing the country to a risky venture, as it is very dangerous to hand the reins of the critical situations in Lebanon to a government that doesn't enjoy the parliament's confidence and that doesn't represent the legislature, regardless of its composition,” Arslan said before popular delegations that visited him at his residence.

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Report: Suleiman Committed to Constitution in Forming New Govt.

Consultations to form a new government are ongoing and they will continue until it is formed, stressed President Michel Suleiman's sources to the Kuwaiti al-Seyassah daily on Sunday.

They added that the president is committed to the constitution in forming a new cabinet.

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