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U.N. Vows Central Role in Fighting 'Exceptional' Ebola Epidemic

The United Nations vowed Saturday to play a "strong role" in helping Liberia and its neighbors fight the deadly outbreak of Ebola in west Africa, which it said could take months to bring it under control.

Liberia has been particularly hard hit by the epidemic that has swept relentlessly across the region since March, accounting for almost half of the 1,427 deaths.

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Last Ebola-Free Region of Liberia Falls to Virus

Every region of Liberia has now been hit by Ebola, officials said Friday, as the World Health Organization warned the fight against the worst-ever outbreak of the killer disease would take months.

After seeing people fall to the deadly virus in area after area, Liberia said two people had succumbed to the virus in Sinoe province, the last Ebola-free bastion in a country that has seen the biggest toll with 624 deaths.

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Philippines to Repatriate U.N. Troops in Golan, Liberia

The Philippines said Saturday it will repatriate over 400 of its troops serving as U.N. peacekeepers in the Golan Heights and Liberia amid security threats and concerns over the Ebola virus.

"To ensure the safety and security of the Philippine military troops deployed to conflict-affected areas, the country’s contingents in the Golan Heights and Liberia are scheduled to be repatriated within the year," a Defense Department statement said.

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Clashes Erupt in Sealed-Off Ebola Area of Liberia Capital

Four residents of a quarantined Ebola-hit slum in the Liberian capital were injured on Wednesday in clashes with police and soldiers sent in to seal off the area, an Agence France Presse correspondent and witnesses said.

The violence flared when the security forces went in to evacuate a government official and his family from the West Point neighborhood of Monrovia, which is being contained as part of new security measures over the deadly virus.

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Liberia Puts Third Province under Ebola Quarantine

The Liberian army has put a third province under quarantine to check the spread of the deadly Ebola virus, President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf announced Monday.

"Lofa county in the north has been quarantined by the army," Sirleaf said after similar measures were taken in the provinces of Boma and Grand Cape Mount.

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Guinea Closes Land Borders with Liberia, S. Leone over Ebola Fears

Guinea on Saturday said it was closing its land borders with Liberia and Sierra Leone in a bid to halt the spread of the deadly Ebola virus which has claimed hundreds of lives in the three west African countries.

"In order to better control contact" with people suspected of carrying the Ebola virus, "Guinea has decided to temporarily close its land borders with Liberia and Sierra Leone," government spokesman Albert Damantang Camara said.

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Nun with Spanish Missionaries Dies of Ebola in Liberia

A Congolese nun who worked with Spanish Catholic missionaries in Liberia has died of Ebola, the charity she worked for said Saturday in Madrid.

Chantal Pascaline died early Saturday "due to Ebola at the Hospital of Saint Joseph of Monrovia" in the Liberian capital, the Hospitaller Brothers of St. John of God said in a statement.

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Spain Sends Plane to Repatriate Missionary with Ebola

A Spanish air force plane left Wednesday for Liberia to fly home a 75-year-old Spanish missionary infected with Ebola, the first patient to be returned to Europe in a fast-spreading outbreak of the deadly disease.

The military Airbus A310, specially equipped for a medical evacuation, took off for the west African country from Madrid's Torrejon military air base at around 1:30 pm (1130 GMT), the defense ministry said in a Twitter message.

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American Woman with Ebola Arrives at U.S. Hospital

An American woman infected with the dangerous Ebola virus -- the second U.S. patient evacuated from the growing outbreak in West Africa -- arrived Tuesday in the United States for treatment.

After landing at a military air strip aboard a small medical evacuation plane, Nancy Writebol, 60, was transported by ambulance to Emory University Hospital.

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Spanish Missionary in Liberia Tests Positive for Ebola

A Spanish missionary working in Liberia has tested positive for the deadly Ebola virus, the aid organization he works for said Tuesday.

Miguel Pajares, a 75-year-old Roman Catholic priest, tested positive for the disease at a hospital in the Liberian capital Monrovia where he worked, Spanish charity Juan Ciudad ONGD said in a statement.

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