رعد: المراهنون على خلاف يطيح بالتفاهمات وبالمواثيق ستخيب آمالهم

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أكد رئيس كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب محمد رعد أن من يراهن على أن تؤدي الخلافات السياسية للإطاحة بالتفاهمات ستخيب آماله سائلا "هل هناك خيار أفضل من خيار المقاومة كسبيل لحماية استقرار لبنان؟".

وقال رعد خلال افتتاحه منتزه "عين الضيعة" في بلدة عين التينة السبت "لا يستطيع أيا كان أن يزرع خلافا أو أن يشق صفا طالما هناك توافق استراتيجي كبير (..) بعض ما جرى راهن عليه كثيرون بأن يأخذنا إلى خلاف يطيح بالتفاهمات ويطيح بالمواثيق، لكن هؤلاء ستخيب آمالهم".

وكان قد قاطع نواب مسيحيون جلسة مجلس النواب الإثنين الفائت بينهم نواب تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" احتجاجا على طريقة التصويت على مشروع قانون لتثبيت المياومين في مؤسسة "كهرباء لبنان"، صعد بعدها رئيس التكتل النائب ميشال عون بالقول أن الأمر قد يؤدي لتحالفات سياسية جديدة. كذلك قال وزير الطاقة والمياه جبران باسيل ان المقاومة تتحمل جزءا مما يحصل لأنها "في موقع المتفرج".

وأكد رعد اليوم السبت أن "من صنع التفاهم بين اللبنانيين هو قيادات تاريخية وشعب يتكامل مع بعضه البعض" متابعا "لقد جربنا الحروب الأهلية والمواجهات الكبرى مع أشرس الأعداء ولم نجد مبعثا للاستقرار سوى البسمة على وجوه شعبنا".

وسأل "لماذا نزرع الأحزان والأشواك في قلوب أبناء هذا الشعب حين نخطئ التقدير والحساب، وحين نريد أن نفرض خيارنا الخاطئ على كل هذا البلد؟ وهل هناك خيار أفضل من خيار المقاومة كسبيل لحماية استقرار لبنان من العدو الإسرائيلي".

وإذ ذكر رعد أن "بلدنا هو من أغنى بلدان العالم، ولو نترك للمقاومة والجيش أن يضمنا لهذا البلد الاستقرار ومواجهة العدوان المحتمل، بدل أن ننساق وراء مشاريع لا هدف لها إلا تمزيق البلاد وزرع الانقسام والفتنة بين اللبنانيين" داعيا إلى الكف "عن التفكير بالأوهام ولنتطلع إلى الوقائع التي تصنع لنا وطنا حقيقا نبني فيه دولة راعية".

وأكد أن "ما تحضره المقاومة للعدو هو أكبر بكثير من كل توهماته حول جهوزيتها، وسوف يجعله يشعر باستحالة تحقيق أي انجاز أو نصر طالما هناك مقاومة في لبنان".

وهذا وختم رئيس كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" بالقول "إننا نفتح قلوبنا وعقولنا ونمد أيدينا إلى كل اللبنانيين، حتى الذين نعيش الخلافات السياسية معهم".

يشار إلى أن ورقة التفاهم بين حزب الله والتيار الوطني الحر الموقعة عام 2006 تشير في نقطتها الرابعة إلى ضرورة "معالجة الفساد من جذوره حيث إن المعالجات الظرفية والتسكينية لم تعد كافية" كما تلفت في نقطتها العاشرة إلى الإبقاء على سلاح حزب الله لمقاومة إسرائيل.

التعليقات 18
Default-user-icon 101 (ضيف) 18:34 ,2012 تموز 07

Bassil: Electricians prevented from repairing malfunction in Dahiyeh

Missing thatisit 18:42 ,2012 تموز 07

of course you will not let go of aoun. he gave you all you needed to legitimize your illegal weapons and the state within a state. only a fool would think that your hizb will let aoun go. in retrospect please keep him and keep changing his diapers for the rest of his life. sooner or later the butcher of damascus will fall and you will fall right with him.

Thumb geha 19:04 ,2012 تموز 07

before the end of this year, hizbushaitan, fpm, syrian regime and co will be of the past.

Thumb bigsami 22:10 ,2012 تموز 07

That would be Lebanon's prayers answered!

Missing peace 23:28 ,2012 تموز 07

big lol... and it doesn t bother you to follow a man who claimed for decades that hezb were terrorists and now allies with them... you have no dignity that s all! like your beloved leader in fact!
budget stalling : for years M8 blocked the budgets with their resignations the blocking of parliament...
as for water a lot has been done and is still being done...
electricity: when M8 ministers were in place under hariri they only talked about israel but never on how to solve the pb!

so if you gob the lies of aoun who only allied hezb for power and MONEY then you are soooooo naive....
(oh! remember when he came back from france the syrians ordered him not to ally with hariri or joumblatt and that against his return; LOL!)

Thumb geha 09:17 ,2012 تموز 08

let's see :)

Missing kiserwanyaseel 19:53 ,2012 تموز 07

Head of Loyalty to Resistance parliamentary bloc MP Mohammed Raad said on Saturday that the sharp differences with the Free Patriotic Movement will not lead to a rift between the allies

of course you wont ya hayawan. can you have a majority without aoun? no! so you will keep supplying him with profits from drug dealing to shut him up. and you will continue to take away the christian rights, while the illiterate aoun supporters believe that aoun is restoring the christian rights

Default-user-icon Mohammad M (ضيف) 20:08 ,2012 تموز 07

He will not let go of General 3aooooo, as long as he keeps barking...

Missing allouchi 20:50 ,2012 تموز 07

Aoun the dog and his master...

Thumb benzona 21:01 ,2012 تموز 07

Thiis Raad guy should book his flight to the Hague as well...

Thumb lebanon_first 21:07 ,2012 تموز 07

Dear Mr. Raad. Israel does not want war. They are building a wall with us.
We understand the chiites were ma7roumin for years under Maronite rule then by Israeli rule.
But now, sir, you are the oppressor.
Please start by
1 - disarming your ally thugs psns-baath-jibril... all those nonlebanese thugs parasites.
2- give your small weapons to the Lebanese army.
3- if u r so concerned abt Israel keep ur long distance missiles for now.
But realize that the wheel turns... we want to live with you. But you have to stop oppressing us. Else it will turn against you. This is karma.

Thumb Marwan34 22:45 ,2012 تموز 07

Israel touches a tree hezballah barks and threats with war same for the shepherd. Lebanese are beeing killed in the north by mortar shells Hezballah does not care. That's the resistance all they care about is the South Lebanon, Iran and Bashar !!!

Thumb lebanon_first 23:00 ,2012 تموز 07

I am not really saying israelis are angels. I agree with you and i hate israel's guts. israel is a problem. I would certainly prefer to have Norway as my neighbor.
However, to prioritize issues, today in 2012, with unifil in the south, Israel is Lebanon's problem number 5 or 6. HA's weapons is our problem number 1 or 2-ex-aequo with syria's criminal regime.

Missing peace 23:36 ,2012 تموز 07

as long as an uncontrolled political party does wht it wants in lebanon and its sole political platform is the destruction of israel of course they ll fight it...
the day lebanon recovers a government which is the only institution that has arms and with which you can negociate then israel will leave lebanon in peace...

those naive people who believe that we have to fight indefinately israel and do nothing when attacked in the north, are just a bunch of brainwashed people!
hezb can only exist by its sole purpose which is to fight israel and obeying iran, they do not care about lebanon! and those allied with it are its accomplices. if a true resistance they would resist against all the countries that attack the sovereignty not only israel... that proves that hezb doesn t care about lebanon and its independence!
naive are those fpmers and followers of this party...

Default-user-icon Halaktouna (ضيف) 12:17 ,2012 تموز 08

If you remove the word "Isreal" and replace it with "Syria", you will notice that the same applies. Both are enemies of Lebanon and both are worse than each other. When will you wake up ya FT and start realizing that when you support Syria you are supporting ISreal as well. All you need to do is support Lebanon ... ONLY LEBANON ... once you start doing that then we can sit and talk.

Thumb jabal10452 00:25 ,2012 تموز 08

Could it be that the FPM is seeing the writing on the wall (Bashar's imminent collapse) and is reassing it's position? Could it be that the FPM is seeing the disagreement with Hezbollah and Berri as an opportunity to distance themselves from them? Aoun's talk the other day of "relieving Hezbollah from their burden" sure sounded like a distancing maneuver.

Thumb geha 09:24 ,2012 تموز 08

Actually, aoun who championed "getting back christian rights" cannot accpet at any cost now before the elections the hiring of such a big disproportionate number of shia.
but at the same time, he went too far with hizbushaitan that now he cannt back up: they would simply kill him. he has been covering for their criminal acts for such a long time now....
he is in dire straights now, and just does not knw what to do, as for hizbushaitan and berri, this is a vital matter too before elections, especially the sayed did not get back the abducted shia from syria yet...

Thumb jabal10452 11:30 ,2012 تموز 08

Well in this case he needs to say it like it is, that defending Christian rights is at the core of the fpm's mission, and that hezb/amal's positions are a gross violation of those principle rendering the "understanding" null and void.

The FPM has excellent ideas and there always has been a current of renewal in the party.

Aoun is too mercurial to get along with anybody. He needs to step down and give a new generation of FMP:er the chance. Geagea needs to do the same. Only then can the parties have a constructive alliance.