
Jumblat: Palestinian State Will Be Established Away from Empty Slogans of Defiance

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat hailed on Monday the international community's “unprecedented historic step” in recognizing the state of Palestine.

He said in his weekly editorial in the PSP-affiliated al-Anbaa magazine: “The decision should help the Palestinians continue their struggle to establish their independent state away from the empty slogans of defiance issued by regimes that have spoken of liberating the whole of Palestine without lifting a finger to so for decades.”

“These regimes have encouraged wars in other people's countries while disregarding the legitimate rights of their own people,” noted the MP.

“The U.N. vote has eliminated Zionist theories that have long denied the existence of the Palestinian people and has instead proven their existence and recognized their national rights,” he continued.

“The historic vote embodies the dream of late Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat … and demonstrates the futility of all of the Israeli wars and military adventures,” remarked Jumblat.

“It has proven that there can be no escaping the two-state solution,” he stressed.

“It is time for the Palestinian people to escape the clutches of the Zionist terror machine and some terrorist organizations that have become affiliated with regimes of defiance,” stated the PSP leader.

The U.N. General Assembly on Thursday voted overwhelmingly to recognize Palestine as a non-member state, giving a major diplomatic triumph to President Mahmoud Abbas despite fierce opposition from the United States and Israel.

The 193-member assembly voted 138-9 with 41 abstentions for the resolution which enables the Palestinians to join U.N. agencies and sign international treaties.

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