
Saudi Monarch Urges Suleiman to End Crisis, Warns of Sectarian Strife in Lebanon

Saudi King Abdullah stated on Tuesday that the kingdom is monitoring the situation in Lebanon with “deep concern” following the clashes in Tripoli, “especially since they targeted a main sect in the country.”

He said in a cable to President Michel Suleiman: “We look forward to you ending the crisis, which may spiral into sectarian strife.”

He added that Saudi Arabia and members of the Gulf Cooperation Council have “exerted all efforts for the sake of Lebanon on the economic level,” stressing that the kingdom in keen on the country’s stability, sovereignty, and national unity.

“It has not spared any efforts in supporting Lebanon, starting with the Taif Accord and ending with the Doha Agreement” in 2008, continued the monarch.

“You know that these efforts, no matter how great they are, will remain insufficient if all the Lebanese factions fail in placing the people’s interests above all else, but instead favor foreign ones that do not seek Lebanon’s wellbeing,” he stressed.

King Abdullah therefore urged Suleiman to end the crisis through his call for national dialogue and keenness to keep Lebanon away from regional disputes, most notably the Syrian crisis.

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