
Tripoli Stages Half-Marathon in Rejection of War, Strife

A half marathon is scheduled to be held in the northern city of Tripoli on Sunday under the title of rejecting war and strife, reported An Nahar daily on Sunday.

The marathon, organized by the “together Lebanon” group, was expected to be held last weekend, but the security situation in the city forced its postponement due to the clashes that broke out between the rival neighborhoods of Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen.

A security source praised the group’s initiative, saying that it demonstrates the people’s “will to live”.

Meanwhile, the head of organizing group Rabih Lathqan told al-Mutstaqbal daily on Sunday that the race will represent “an opportunity to express a rejection of war and show support for peace and mutual coexistence.”

He called for the widest participation in the marathon “to portray the real image of Tripoli.”

The May 12 arrest of Islamist Shadi al-Mawlawi sparked the Tripoli clashes, which left some ten people dead and at least 70 wounded.

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