
Berri, Nasrallah’s Advisors to Meet Jumblat Thursday to Tackle Proportional Representation

Speaker Nabih Berri is committed to his suggestion to adopt proportional representation for the electoral law, reported As Safir newspaper on Monday.

To this end, his advisor Health Minister Ali Hassan Khalil and that of Hizbullah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Hussein Khalil, are expected to hold talks on Thursday with Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat on the electoral law.

The meeting will tackle the elections amid the MP’s objection to proportional representation, which he said is aimed at limiting his political weight.

In addition, the meeting will pave the way for talks at Ain al-Tineh between the speaker and Druze leader, said As Safir.

Berri had told An Nahar daily in remarks published on Monday that the adoption of proportional representation and establishment of a senate would maintain the fair representation of Muslims and Christians in Lebanon.

The senate, he said, would act as a national assembly for Lebanon.

Berri had also appointed his advisor to hold talks with a number of officials, starting with President Michel Suleiman, to explain his suggestions.

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