
Gemayel Says Situation Delicate, Warns Over Return of Hegemony Era

Phalange Party leader Amin Gemayel warned on Wednesday over the return to the era of hegemony under the reign of Premier-designate Najib Miqati’s government.

Describing the current political situation as “delicate,” Gemayel said following talks with Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Sfeir in Bkirki that “there are fears over the return … of hegemony and repression.”

“We fear the return of unilateral and one-party system in one way or another,” he added.

The former president hinted the March 8 forces were seeking to “avenge” the March 14 Cedar Revolution that forced the withdrawal of the Syrian forces from Lebanon in 2005, helped establish the Special Tribunal for Lebanon and contributed to holding free and fair presidential and parliamentary elections.

In response to a question, Gemayel said March 8 is capable of forming the government “because there is a single maestro managing the operation,” a reference to Syria.

About the sixth anniversary of the Cedar Revolution, the Phalange leader said that Sunday, March 13 will be an occasion to reject the return of hegemony.

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