
Azzam Brigades Denies Link to Takfiri Network

The Abdullah Azzam Brigades denied on Saturday that it has any links to the takfiri network in the Ain el-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp, reported the daily An Nahar on Sunday.

It denied all links to the network in a statement that was published on various websites.

It revealed however that it had received an offer by undisclosed sides to “assassinate Druze leader MP Walid Jumblat in return for the release of a number of jihadists in Syrian jails.”

No further details were offered.

The army intelligence bureau in the South demanded the Palestinian factions and the Islamic parties in Ain el-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp to detain Abu Mohammed Toufiq Taha and hand him over to the Lebanese judiciary, As Safir newspaper reported on Friday.

Abu Mohammed is the head of the Abdullah Azzam Brigades, who is accused of planning attacks against the Lebanese army.

He resides in the Ain el-Hilweh Palestinian refugee camp near the southern city of Sidon but his whereabouts are unknown.

The Lebanese army had discovered a “takfiri” network in which two soldiers, allegedly involved in the cell, had planned to carry out attacks against the army.

The army detained a group that consists of six people, who are affiliated with the Abdullah Azzam Brigades – al-Qaida network, as the army is seeking to arrest the head of the network.

On Friday, the army intelligence succeeded in arresting Mohammed Fayyad Ismail, the chief of the gang that had abducted a manager of the dairy company Liban Lait in the Bekaa town of Britel on November 30, which was also behind several other kidnappings.

“Army intelligence agents arrested Ismail and some members of his gang in the Bekaa town of al-Qasr,” MTV reported.

The gang is based in the Hermel District town of al-Qasr and was responsible for the abduction of a Syrian businessman in the Bekaa town of Barelias in August 2011.

Ismail and his gang have also been found to be responsible for the attack against the army on April 13, 2009.

The attack left four soldiers dead and a fifth severely wounded.

Liban Lait manager Ahmed Zeidan was abducted on November 30, 2011 as he entered the company’s headquarters in the Baalbek District town of Hawsh Sneid.

The kidnappers demanded a ransom back then, but the army managed in December to rescue Zeidan in a raid on Britel’s barren mountains.

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