
Jumblat Slams Russian Veto on Syria, Hints West Wants Assad to Destroy Homs

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat described the Russian veto on a U.N. Security Council resolution on the crisis in Syria as “doomed.”

“It formed an alibi for the West to stand idly by… We all know that they can interfere at least to impose a ceasefire and save Homs and the Syrian people,” Jumblat told An Nahar newspaper on Thursday.

On Wednesday, the Druze leader participated in an anti-Syrian regime demonstration in Downtown Beirut, voicing solidarity with the Syrian uprising.

According to the daily, the sit-in didn’t include many people in order to prevent any clashes with those who support President Bashar Assad.

“As if the West… is waiting for the Syrian regime to destroy Homs, and specifically Baba Amr,” Jumblat told An Nahar.

He slammed Russia’s stance from setting humanitarian corridors to allow aid groups to help the people in Homs.

Moscow, a staunch ally of Syria, said it doesn’t back a French proposal for aid corridors because these would require support from foreign troops.

Jumblat was accompanied by his wife Noura and a delegation from his party.

He called on Assad to “leave,” asserting that the Syrian people will eventually triumph.

Jumblat on Monday described the regime’s promise of reform as a “joke,” slamming the support of major powers for this “charade” where it has supplied the regime with arms, intelligence, and naval vessels.

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