
Indictments in Hamadeh, Murr, Hawi Cases to Be Released within 10 Days

The indictments in the assassination of former Communist party chief George Hawi and attempted assassinations of former ministers Marwan Hamadeh and Elias Murr may result to new leads in other assassinations that had taken place in Lebanon, reported the daily An Nahar on Sunday.

Opposition sources revealed to the daily that indictment in these three cases will be released within 10 to 12 days.

It may also include names of new suspects in addition to the four that have been indicted in the assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in February 2005.

The indictment in Hariri’s murder, released in August, accused four Hizbullah members of being involved in the crime.

Prime Minister Najib Miqati revealed on Tuesday that Special Tribunal for Lebanon Prosecutor Daniel Bellemare had informed him during his recent trip to Lebanon that he will submit a new revised indictment before leaving office end of February.

It would also tackle Hamadeh, Murr, and Hawi’s cases, he added.

Al-Akhbar newspaper reported on Friday that Bellemare had referred the new indictment to Pre-Trial Judge Daniel Fransen in the attacks on these three officials.

The three cases have been found to be linked to Hariri’s murder.

Media reports had said that Bellemare was expected to issue a new indictment before he leaves his post in March. His successor has not yet been named.

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