
Arslan Praises Egyptian Revolt against Arab Zionism: I Repeat My Nomination of Jumblat to Interior Ministry

The head of the Lebanese Democratic Party Talal Arslan criticized on Sunday the sectarian division of positions in the legislative authority saying it is “another blow against the concept of a state of law.”

He said during a press conference: “Lebanon has never witnessed in its history such sectarian division such as the one taking place today.”

Furthermore, he repeated his nomination of Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat to the position of interior minister in the new government.

Arslan called on Prime Minister-designate Najib Miqati “to take a step towards the establishment of a state of law and not to take steps away from hope and reform.”

Addressing the recent revolt in Egypt, he praised the Egyptian people “that have succeeded in destroying the regime of oppression and Arab Zionism.”

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