
Jumblat Criticizes Dar al-Fatwa Meeting, Participates in Celebratory Gunfire as Mubarak Steps Down

Progressive Socialist Party leader Walid Jumblat has hinted that he was frustrated from the latest meeting of Lebanon's highest Sunni Muslim authority.

Sunni council Dar al-Fatwa on Thursday warned the next cabinet against abandoning the international tribunal investigating the 2005 murder of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

"The majority of the Lebanese people and the families of the country's martyrs will view any government's abandonment of its commitments to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, whether blatant or masked, as provocation and an abandonment of justice," said former minister Omar Masqawi on behalf of Dar al-Fatwa.

Speaking at a press conference attended by outgoing prime minister Saad Hariri, and his Hizbullah-backed successor Najib Miqati, Masqawi urged Miqati to "exercise foresight" in the policies he intends to adopt.

Druze leader Jumblat told As Safir daily in remarks published Saturday that “despite religious alignments, and despite the huge political pressure, Arab national minorities will emerge victorious.”

As Safir also said that the PSP leader participated in celebratory gunfire on Friday following the announcement of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak’s decision to step down.

Jumblat fired in the air in Mukhtara to hail “the Egyptian people who toppled the tyrant.”

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