
STL Spokesman Says Trials in Absentia Expected to Begin End of 2012

Special Tribunal for Lebanon spokesman Marten Youssef expected the trials in absentia to kick off at the end of 2012, according to al-Liwaa newspaper on Monday.

Youssef revealed that the date will be set in April by Pre-Trial Judge Daniel Fransen, urging the four suspects to appear before the court.

Last week, the STL said that eight lawyers have been selected to represent four Hizbullah members due to be tried in absentia for the 2005 murder of former Lebanese premier Rafik Hariri.

Each of the four defendants, who remain at large, will have a counsel and co-counsel who "are fully independent and can choose any strategy they see best fit to defend the rights of the accused.”

The Hague-based tribunal indicted Salim Ayyash, Mustafa Badreddine, Hussein Anaissi and Assad Sabra, sent arrest warrants for them to Lebanese authorities in June last year, and Interpol issued a "red notice" in July.

But the authorities in Lebanon have failed to arrest them.

Youssef said in remarks to al-Jadeed last week that the Lebanese authorities had fulfilled their commitments in trying to pursue the suspects; however he added that this commitment remains until the trials in absentia start.

He denied that he has information on whether there was a fifth suspect, hinting that the prosecutor will soon issue an indictment in the attacks against three officials that have been linked to Hariri’s murder.

In addition, Youssef revealed that STL prosecutor Daniel Bellemare’s successor will be appointed during the upcoming weeks.

The court announced in December that Bellemare has informed U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon that, for health reasons, he does not intend to seek reappointment for a second term as prosecutor at the end February.

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