
Netanyahu Hits at Iran Deal 'Disinformation'

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hit out at "disinformation" from supporters of the Iran nuclear deal Tuesday, personally calling on U.S. Jewish groups to thwart the White House-backed agreement.

In a webcast hosted by Jewish American groups and broadcast to 10,000 people, Netanyahu hit out at unnamed opponents who misrepresented the deal and Israel's stance against it.

His intervention comes amid a fierce battle with President Barack Obama. 

Netanyahu has infuriated the White House by actively opposing what Obama sees as a way to avoid a military conflagration with Iran and a signature foreign policy achievement of his presidency.

But Netanyahu insisted the dispute is "not about me and it is not about President Obama, its about the deal. 

"The more people know about the deal the more they oppose it," he added, arguing that the "most outrageous" lie was that those opposing the deal want war.

He described that as "utterly false," saying that "we are the front lines."

"This is not a partisan issue in Israel. It should not be a partisan issue in the United States." 

And he sought to reassure his audience that the United States and Israel survive the latest policy rift, "as we have in the past."

The deal would curb Iran's nuclear program in return for international sanctions relief.

Netanyahu said that would not prevent Iran from getting a nuclear weapon but would "pave the way" for it and legitimize its leadership.

The webcast was hosted by the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and the Jewish Federations of North America.

Obama is himself expected to host Jewish leaders at the White House later on Tuesday.

Obama has previously deployed chief lieutenants to make the diplomatic, military and technical case for the deal, ahead of a crunch vote in Congress.

A "no" vote would not automatically kill the deal, but it would force Obama to issue a veto and to rally enough Democratic votes to uphold it.

That has prompted a ferocious battle for public opinion, including within the Jewish community. 

Key Democrats such New York Senator Charles Schumer have yet to voice their opinion on the deal in public.

Schumer's public agnosticism reflects the deep divisions the deal has caused with America's politically attuned Jewish community.

Groups like right-leaning AIPAC and left-leaning J-Street have engaged in a multi-million-dollar public relations faceoff.

Meanwhile federations, individual organizations, Rabbis and Rabbinical assemblies are being pressed to take a stance.

With weeks to go before the congressional vote, lobbying efforts look set to intensify further.

Source: Agence France Presse

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