
Alleged Wife of Baghdadi Pregnant, Worked on Funding Jihadists

The alleged divorcee of the Islamic State leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is reportedly pregnant in her third week and her main role was to fund al-Nusra Front group by sending donations to militants in the neighboring country Syria.

According to As Safir newspaper published on Friday, Iraqi national Saja Hamid al-Dulaimi, who was detained around 15 days ago at an army checkpoint at al-Madfoun Bridge in the North, received money transfers from foreign sides, in particular Qatar, to fund terrorists.

Al-Dulaimi was allowed to meet with her daughter and two boys under heavy guard.

The detainee however held onto her stance and refused to inform investigators about the identity of the father of the child, stressing that she didn't leave Lebanon since she was released in March 2014.

During her arrest doubts were raised about whether the woman arrested is Baghdadi's wife and if she is indeed al-Dulaimi, who has been exchanged for 13 Christian nuns and three helpers kidnapped in the Syrian town of Maalula in December by the al-Nusra Front, the bitter enemy of IS, making it unlikely she would be Baghdadi's wife.

As Safir reported that investigators have placed all options, including the possibility that Baghdadi is the father of her baby.

Hajar, the four-year-old daughter of al-Dulaimi, who was taken into custody when her mother was arrested, also refused to talk.

“The child appears to be highly trained despite her young age,” the newspaper said.

The daily said that investigations with al-Dulaimi are focusing on the purpose of her presence in Lebanon at this period of time and her residence.

A concerned source told As Safir that al-Dulaimi is detained over her links to Baghdadi, for communicating with terrorist organizations on Lebanese territories and holding fake identification papers.

It is unclear how many wives the IS leader has.

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