
Jumblat Slams Anti-IS Coalition as 'Lie': Fragmentation of Syria Protects Israel

Leader of the Progressive Socialist Party Walid Jumblat on Monday dismissed the U.S.-led coalition to counter “terrorism” in Syria and Iraq as a “lie.”

"The Arab situation began to deteriorate since the 2003 calculated conspiracy to invade Iraq,” Jumblat said in his weekly editorial in the PSP's al-Anbaa electronic newspaper.

“The insistence on the absence of a political solution in Syria is to inflame the civil war and prolong it to fragment Syria and turn it into separate parts in order to protect Israel,” he added.

"One has the right to wonder about the current situation in the Arab world compared to the past, as what is happening is no accident or coincidence,” Jumblat said.

He noted that the policy of “fueling malice and hatred between sects raises question marks about the lie called 'international coalition to fight terrorism'.”

This U.S.-led coalition has been fighting the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria through waging a few raids that did not prevent the progress of the IS, especially in Syria's Kobane, which has a Kurdish majority.

"It seems that ... the downfall of Baghdad and the downfall of Damascus are part of the same course," he concluded.



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