
Jumblat Urges Speedy Trial of Islamist Inmates, Questions Ongoing Delay

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblat questioned on Sunday the delay and stalling in the trials of Islamist inmates held in Roumieh Prison.

He demanded that a speedy trial be held for them, revealing that a judge had informed him that should swift measures be taken, the proceedings would take a few days to complete.

“Why have none of the Fatah al-Islam inmates been put on trial since their arrest in 2007?” he asked while visiting the family of Seif Zebian, one of the soldiers kidnapped by Islamists in the northeastern border town of Arsal in August.

Jumblat asked Justice Minister Ashraf Rifi to explain why the trials have not been held yet, saying that the excuses over a lack of courtrooms are no longer valid since they have been complete for a while now.

“Stalling in this issue is unacceptable during this critical stage,” he stressed.

This issue is linked to the army seeing as the captors of the soldiers and policemen are demanding the release of Roumieh Islamists in return for the freedom of the hostages, explained the MP.

He noted however that holding their trial will not necessarily mean that the inmates will be released.

Some may be acquitted, while others may be indicted, added the PSP leader.

Furthermore, he urged calm among the families of the captives, warning against taking out their frustration against Syrians residing in Lebanon.

The soldiers and policemen were abducted from Arsal by Islamist militants in light of clashes in the area between the army and the gunmen from Syria.

A few of them have since been released, while two others were beheaded, prompting a backlash against Syrian refugees in Lebanon.

A ministerial panel has been tasked with following up on the case.

It is mulling all the available options in coordination with a Qatari delegation, which is negotiating the release of the hostages with the Islamist kidnappers.

Several of the Islamist inmates held in Roumieh were arrested in the wake of 2007 clashes between the army and Fatah al-Islam militants in the northern Nahr al-Bared Palestinian refugee camp.

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