
Ban Urges Staging Presidential, Parliamentary Elections, Respecting Baabda Declaration

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon hailed the formation of a new Lebanese government, hoping that it will pave the way for Lebanon to meet its constitutional deadlines.

He hoped that Lebanon will hold the presidential and parliamentary elections on time, as well as respect the Baabda Declaration.

He made his remarks during his latest report on the implementation of U.N. Security Council resolution 1701.

He noted that Lebanon is still being “negatively affected bu the war in Syria,” condemning the shelling and gunfire targeting the Lebanese-Syrian border.

He also condemned the flow of gunmen and arms between the two countries.

The lack of progress in demarcating the border between Lebanon and Syria does not justify the violation of Lebanon's sovereignty by any side, stressed Ban.

The U.N. chief demanded the Syrian government and all sides fighting in Syria to stop the violations against Lebanon's border and respect its sovereignty in accordance with resolutions 1559, 1680, and 1701.

He also slammed the Lebanese citizens' participation in the war in Syria, saying that it violates the policies of neutrality and disassociation adopted by the Lebanese government and stipulated in the Baabda Declaration.

He therefore urged the concerned sides to act in a manner that serves Lebanon's interests and adhere to the policy of disassociation.

His report also addressed the various terrorist bombings that have taken place in Lebanon in recent months, explaining that supporting state institutions, including the army and security forces, is the “best way to confront these haphazard and unacceptable acts.”

In addition, Ban remarked that Hizbullah and other parties' possession of weapons outside the authority of the state still represents a threat to Lebanon's sovereignty and security and a violation of the country's obligations towards resolutions 1559 and 1701.

He noted that President Michel Suleiman had repeatedly demanded that a national defense strategy be devised in light of Hizbullah's employment of its weapons outside of Lebanon's borders.

To that end, he urged all Lebanese powers to return to the national dialogue table in order to tackle the issue of the possession of weapons.

In addition, the U.N. chief hailed Suleiman's role in asserting the importance of the Baabda Declaration and the Maronite Patriarchate for the Bkirki Charter that it issued on February 9.

Ban also “warmly welcomed” the formation of a new government, calling on Lebanese leaders to “take advantage of their constructive partnership in order to preserve vital state institutions.”

Holding the presidential elections within their constitutional and legal deadline in May is very important in preserving trust and stability in Lebanon, he stressed.

This same importance applies to then holding the parliamentary elections “without delay and according to the constitution,” he continued.

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