
Suleiman: Lebanon Can No Longer Remain without a Government

President Michel Suleiman stated that a new round of consultations to form a government kicked off on Monday, hinting that a new cabinet may be formed in the next two days.

He added: “Lebanon can no longer remain without a government given the difficult circumstances it is passing through.”

He said that Prime Minister-designate Tammam Salam is holding a new round of talks, whose “results may be revealed in the next two days.”

“A new government should be formed according to constitutional mechanisms,” stressed Suleiman.

The proposed cabinet lineup would then be subject to a vote at parliament where it may or may not garner the lawmakers' confidence, he continued.

To that end, Suleiman held separate talks on Monday with Salam and caretaker Social Affairs Minister Wael Abou Faour.

Meanwhile, al-Manar television quoted a source close to Salam as saying that things are heading towards forming a political, all-embracing cabinet according to a “fait accompli formula” in light of the “collapse of negotiations” with Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun.

Abu Faour told al-Manar that reaching a dead end in consultations will lead to the formation of an inclusive, political cabinet comprising FPM ministers, noting that caretaker Energy Minister Jebran Bassil will be allocated the education portfolio.

Al-Manar also revealed that Salam held meetings away from the media spotlight with MP Sami Gemayel, Marada Movement chief Suleiman Franjieh's envoy Rony Araiji and a delegation from the Tashnag Party.

“Salam asked them to provide him with the names of their ministerial candidates, but Marada and Tashnag asked to be given 24 hours for consultations, which prompted Salam to postpone announcing the cabinet line-up from Tuesday to Wednesday – unless an urgent development leads to further delay,” al-Manar added.

LBCI television said Salam held these meetings to determine whether these parties would accept to represent Christians in cabinet should Aoun refuse to participate.

Earlier on Monday, informed sources told LBCI television that no breakthrough has been achieved in the formation of the cabinet, adding that the Free Patriotic Movement is still holding on to its stance that the new government should be tasked with staging the presidential elections.

The new cabinet should not accommodate a presidential vacuum, they said.

Other sources told MTV that Suleiman and Salam “are determined to form a new government regardless of its lineup.”

Salam is however awaiting Aoun's stance on the cabinet, they stated.

The sources remarked however that the lawmaker is not expected to alter his positions.

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