
Geagea Accuses Nasrallah of Abusing Power: Army’s Role Should No Longer Be Undermined

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea accused on Friday Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah of abusing power, slamming his recent speech in which he declared that the party will exploit the gas and oil wealth of any side that exploit’s Lebanon’s.

He said during a press conference on Lebanon’s offshore wealth: “We cannot remain silent over such a dangerous announcement.”

“Who appointed you, Sayyed Nasrallah, as the guardian of the Lebanese people’s rights?” he asked.

“Is the issue of oil restricted to one party?” he continued.

“Why were parliamentary elections held? Why do we have a president?” he added.

“I agree with Nasrallah on several points, but only the Lebanese state institutions can defend my rights and not an illegitimate power,” Geagea declared.

“Doesn’t Sayyed Hassan know that he was not appointed by the Lebanese people to defend their interests, but they have a government and parliament that can do that for them?” wondered the LF leader.

“Why would an educated man like Nasrallah make such statements?” he continued.

“It is because he believes himself to be the real ruler of Lebanon,” Geagea stressed.

“The actual rulers should be the elected constitutional institutions. If we can’t agree on them, then we can never implement reform in Lebanon,” he noted.

“Is it acceptable that while Premier Najib Miqati and Speaker Nabih Berri are conducting negotiations with Europeans and Americans over the petroleum file and the demarcation of the maritime border Nasrallah is making such fiery speeches?” he asked.

“Only the army is entitled to retaliate to an attack, not you Sayyed Hassan,” stressed Geagea.

“The army’s role should no longer be undermined as it can wage a hundred wars against Israel and the Lebanese state should be allowed to cater to it,” he said.

“Lebanon’s equation must be that of the people, state, and institutions, not the silly magical equation of the army, people, and resistance,” remarked the LF leader.

“Which is better: allowing the government, legitimate state, and army handle the petroleum wealth, or Hizbullah and its backers? Which side can better ensure Lebanon’s rights?” he asked.

“Nasrallah’s statements are the beginning of a real danger for Lebanon’s offshore wealth,” concluded Geagea.

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