
Door of Minkara-Affiliated Mosque Taken Off in Tripoli

Unknown assailants on Wednesday took off the door of a mosque affiliated with Sheikh Hashem Minkara in the northern city of Tripoli.

“A group of young men took off the door of al-Soufiah mosque in Tripoli,” LBCI television detailed.

The same source noted that the mosque is affiliated with Head of the pro-Syria Islamic Tawhid Movement-Command Council Sheikh Minkara.

Meanwhile, an official in the Association of Islamic Charitable Projects - also known as al-Ahbash, informed An Nahar daily on Wednesday that a Salafist armed group took over a place of worship located in Tripoli's vegetable market on Monday.

The mosque has been under al-Ahbash's control for the past 30 years, according to the official.

"The group immediately controlled the house of prayer, driving out its Imam and orator,” he said.

"Then the al-Qaida flag was flown on the mosque's minaret, and its name has been replaced with 'Ibn Taymiyyah mosque'.”

Only days earlier, attackers set ablaze Father Ibrahim Sarrouj's famed library in Tripoli.

Al-Saeh Library is considered one of the most renowned libraries in Tripoli and the second largest in Lebanon.

Sarrouj says the library contains more than 80,000 books.

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