Baabda palace issued a decree on the appointment of Marwan Khaireddine as minister of state to replace Lebanese Democratic Party chief Talal Arslan on Monday.
The 30-member cabinet of Premier Najib Miqati is now complete with the new appointment.
Voice of Lebanon radio station said Khaireddine will attend Monday’s cabinet session.
According to al-Liwaa daily, the decision to appoint Khaireddine came after a visit that Arslan made to Progressive Socialist Party chief Walid Jumblat in Mukhtara on Saturday.
The two men also reached an agreement on other positions inside the Druze sect, including coordination between each other over the 2013 elections, the newspaper said.
Arslan announced his resignation from the cabinet on June 13 - the day it was formed - to protest the state ministry allotted to him. Khaireddine is his brother-in-law.
Khaireddine held talks with President Michel Suleiman at Baabda palace at noon Wednesday.
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