
U.S. Expresses 'Deep' Concern over Security in Lebanon, Calls for Restraint

The United States expressed on Wednesday its “deep” concern over the “worsening” security situation in Lebanon, including the northern city of Tripoli, it said via the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon.

It tweeted that it call for all sides in Lebanon to exercise restraint.

“The violence in Tripoli shows need for parties to protect Lebanon from the fallout of the Syrian conflict,” it continued.

It also condemned the targeting of the Lebanese army in Tripoli, while commending it on its role and sacrifices in Lebanon.

Furthermore, the U.S. noted that the involvement of Lebanese parties, “especially Hizbullah, in Syria worsens sectarian tensions and jeopardizes security.”

Clashes erupted last week between Tripoli's rival Bab al-Tabbaneh and Jabal Mohsen neighborhoods, leavings scores of casualties.

The Lebanese army deployed on Tuesday along Syria Street, the road that separates the two neighborhoods.

Three soldiers were wounded on Monday during a clash with gunmen as troops deployed in Bab al-Tabbaneh, whose residents are mostly Sunni and back the rebellion against Syrian President Bashar Assad.

The military had earlier deployed in Jabal Mohsen that is mainly Alawite, the sect of Assad.

The two neighborhoods have repeatedly witnessed rounds clashes that have only grown in intensity after the eruption of the uprising in Syria in March 2011.

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